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December 2, 2009

Bloody Wednesday

Martinez, Fabris, and Janeck ... fired.  Now what will we complain about?
The coaches are reportedly going to stay on through the bowl game, which appears to be in Shreveport.  So, here we go.  Will the defensive recruits stay on board?  Who is next?  Who should be next?  Has Jimmy Johnson been spotted at the airport yet?
I admit I have defended Willie in the past, but there was just no arguing with a move at the coordinator level.  It's very difficult to defend the simple math of the defense's steady decline.  Just as difficult to defend is the inexplicable kickoff coverage of the past two years and the absurd quotes from Fabris about directional kickoffs.  I'm sure these moves were painful for Coach Richt, both professionally and personally, but they had to be made.  Again, it's hard to argue with math.  Even if you say turnovers consistently put the defense in terrible spots, that's no excuse for the poor tackling and undisciplined play of our defense over the past several years. 
Lastly, as difficult as these decisions must have been for Coach Richt, I hope they were Richt's decisions.  I don't want Damon or anyone else forcing personel changes on the staff.  We pay Richt a lot of cash to take responsibility for the program.  The responsibility should be his.



Unknown said...

Wonder why Fabris was let go? He did a great job on DE's and could have been reassigned away from KO coverage...

Frank Franklin said...

Agreed. Damon made it sound like he would have nothing to do with Richt's personnel decisions, and I hope that was the case. Will be very interesting to see what happens with Garner, as his departure would probably have the most significant impact on recruiting.

S.A.W.B. said...

All things being equal, CMR and the Athletic Association staff have handled this in probably the best way possible.

Finishing the year without saying anything definitive, so as not to give the rivals anything to point to when they're poking our recruits, as well as keeping the team as focused as possible on the games at hand, was the smart way to do it.

As for Jancek and Fabris, both coached positions that lacked production the last few years, with a few notable exceptions, and not much player growth year to year. Their job production probably cuts it down the street in ACC country, but not here.

Anonymous said...

any ideas for replacements in these 3 positions?

Paul said...

Man, Kirby Smart is about to hit the jackpot.

Dawglicious said...

Russ for DC!

Mr. Sanchez said...

Tuberville is the rumor, although that seems as probable as Tony Dungy. Travis Jones has long been rumored as a possible candidate to the staff, although he'd be more DT and Garner is not mentioned among those let go for some reason (I like Garner a lot, just the curiousness of letting all the D staff but him go).

And Mark, perhaps that option was presented to him, but the unofficial special teams coach didn't accept being taken off. No one knows what the thinking was there.

WFdawg said...

I didn't see the Fabris firing coming. Willie, yes. Jancek, OK. But Fab seemed like an old guard guy. I didn't think Richt would axe him. Kudos to CMR for doing what he thought he needed to do. And as someone said above, RIP directional kicking.

WFdawg said...

I especially didn't see Fabris getting fired given the increased production at DE throughout the year. Houston, et al were truly a factor by the end of the season.

nemov said...

@Davidpollack47 says: "I am 100% sure that Garner will not be the Defensive Coordinator for Georgia next year."

Anonymous said...

I think that's just it, as good as the DEs were at the end of the year, Fabris was that much more horrible on special teams that he got the ax. I think his firing probably hurt CMR the least.

Anonymous said...

WOW this is CMR'S crossroad , I too hope it was his choice.The CJJ story running thru bee boosters sat. was priceless.Tubbs has a interview at ND, he also said no to a dc job.

Will said...

And the DEs weren't good to start the year for a few years running.

The Watch Dawg said...

Let's back up the truck and get Kirby Smart in Athens.

j.leonardjr said...

Seems CMR could have just removed Fabris from Special Teams. I think it really comes down to whoever is the new DC he will want to hire his own staff.

sUGArdaddy said...

If we'd have let Willie go and not Fabris, we wouldn't have fixed a whole lot. Me thinks we're going to be surprised by CMR in the next few years. He's got a mean-streak in him that we saw a little bit on Saturday night. This is a clear sign that Richt gets it. Not that we want to fire someone to appease the masses, but that we want to correct the mess that we have become. That will take some redirection on his part, too. I think he's up to the task. We may look back on this week as the turning point. Tebow plays his last SEC game, Bobby finally retires, and Richt makes his first tough staff move. A rising FSU will steal recruits from Gainesville, and a solid D will win a lot more games for UGA.

Anonymous said...

"Has Jimmy Johnson been spotted at the airport yet?"

I believe the standard course of action when hiring Jimmy Johnson is to take him out to eat at the soon-to-be-former coach's favorite restaurant on the night that soon-to-be-former coach goes there weekly.

I told you not to panic said...

Targets....Tubbs, Smart, BVG in no particular order...although one of them has a long term offer on the table for DC.....big $$$....

WillieBDawg said...

Anyone liked the way Tech played D a couple years back Tanuta ,if that is the way you spell it is the would be the complete oppisite of what we have been doing

Anonymous said...

I guess all you guys who laughed last week when I told you the entire d-staff except for Garner, know now.

Jason said...

Tenuta? Seriously, I could coordinate as effectively as Tenuta.

Plus, if you've seen Notre Dame's defense this year, you'll know they're terrible.

Unknown said...

Tenuta is the current DC at Notre Dame, and we see what their defense looked like this year. No to Tuberville...he does not want a defensive coordinator job, nor do we want his ego. Additionally, he would be around for one year maximum, and then we'd be back in the same boat.

Andy Sherrer said...

I hear the Albany State Golden Rams (Albany, Ga) have a terrific, experienced DC that is being considered.

Sports Dawg said...

Chances are if CMR has made this tough move that we all wondered about, he might already have the new DC picked out as well.

JasonC said...

Don't you see what is happening? All the parts are falling into place. Richt will finally be reunited with his "old" buddies.
Mickey Andrews - DC/LBs
Papa Bowden - Special teams
Jeff Bowden - DBs

KingDawg said...

Football scoop lists MacIntyre from Duke, Koenning from K-State, and Thompson from GA State as possibilities for DC. All 3 have strong resumes. The coach from Duke is particularly impressive.

Anonymous said...

What I've heard.....

drunk dawg said...

Garner is still here because his unit IMO was one of the few bright spots over the past years and he is a monster recruiter. Just my uninformed view from the outside.

Anonymous said...

While this is the right thing to do in my opinion, lets remember that Coaches Martinez, Jancek and Fabris have families and lives too. No one enjoys getting fired or being out of work. Despite the decline this year and last, each of these folks helped make the program as successful as it has been under CMR. For that we owe them thanks and to let them leave with a little dignity. Via con Dios, Men.

JaxDawg said...

Those men leaving us have been paid very well over the past several years and enjoy living off their employer more than most others. Not to say they didn't earn their $$, but they should be financially stable until they find other employment.

Irishdawg said...

Is TCU's DC out of the question? We should go after a candidate with a proven resume of top tier defenses rather than someone unproven from a small school.

Anonymous said...

JaxDawg: Is your ideal situation to be forced against your will to leave a great line of work, uproot your family, and try to find work after a bad time of production for your occupation? I did not suggest these men did not under-perform nor or that they should not have been let go. I merely suggested we owe them, at a minimum, refraining from gloating at their misfortune. They were Dawgs, and at times Damn Good ones. If this was Paul Johnson or Urban Meyer getting the ax though, I would condone the celebration and dancing upon the graves.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Have to agree with Anon 5:18. This move needed to be made. But those three gentlemen gave their heart and soul to the University of Georgia. They have families and regardless whether they are financially set or not, it is still painful. I wish them nothing but the very best.

Anonymous said...


And regarding the whole "they have families" thing, yeah I get it, but they've also seen the deterioration first hand for four years now. The ball was in their court and they decided to leave things unchanged. I hope Jancek and Fabris like the challenge of finding work as much as they liked the challenge of directional kicking.

And, before anyone says "2007, 2007 we were so good we finished #2" please keep in mind that 10-2 this year in college football would get you a #8 ranking and a Capital One bowl berth. Additionally, in that magical 2007 year, we were calling for Willie's head leading up to the Vandy and Florida games, but calmed down after the way we finished the season.

And, not to drone, but look at the way we finished the 2007 season - needed four quarters to permanently take the lead against Auburn, needed three quarters to permanently take the lead at home against Kentucky and needed two fortunate bounces on fumbles in our own end zone to avoid being upset at Tech. In between that, we also surrendered 34 points to Troy and only won by 10. Then we beat a crappy Hawaii team. So yes, I would say this has been a four year decline.

The Watch Dawg said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

You should have left your last paragraph unsaid.
There is no reason to doubt that Coach Richt can, will, has and did make the hard decisions.
I am glad he's not one to jump too quick and look for scape goats like one former SEC coach alittle north of UGA.

KingDawg said...


Check the bio on the gsu guy. Whole lot of SEC experience for a "nobody".

Not my suggestions above either, just what was reported.

Anonymous said...

Anon @5:35:

That Kentucky team beat MNC LSU, and that Auburn team was a play away from beating them too.

That Georgia team was legit.

Anonymous said...

Irishdawg, Patterson and Bumpas both send in the signals at TCU. Bumpas is mainly their DL coach and a good one at that. But, Patterson is the defensive genius there.

HiAltDawg said...

Buddy Green DC @ Navy. Shutdow ohios st and notre dame w/ less talent. Young, know the South. Might be to used to smart, discipline players.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:47

That Georgia team was far from the "legit" cred you seem to give them.

In the same vein as the Auburn team nearly beating LSU, we nearly lost to Vanderbilt, nearly lost to Alabama, got beat ugly by South Carolina and even worse by Tennessee.

All I tried to articulate was that it was not the dominant team that folks seem to remember. We were good, but the defense had serious problems that we were harping on until we beat Florida and everyone forgot about them.

Would I pay to watch that team based on the way they played the second half of the season? Certainly, would I bet on that team against an Alabam or Florida 08 or 09 vintage? Hell no. And the reason I wouldn't bet on them is because our defense that year wasn't that good.

To reiterate, my point is that the defense has been in decline for four solid years.

Anonymous said...


You don't think that team could beat '09 Bama? Huh.

goalinestalker said...

Why would Kirby Smart who has his wagon hitched to Saban want to come to UGA? Yes I know he played here...

SCdawg said...

if i were kirby, i would come if we pay him more.

is van gorder an option? switching from DC in the nfl to DC in college is a HUGE step down is it not?

regardless of who the new hire is, aggressiveness is what i want to see.

Anonymous said...

I just hope we can all now take a break from spewing venom at the staff and the program for a little bit. We got what we wanted (other than folks who want Bobo and Richt gone, and I just don't know what to say about that).

I know many people go through life complaining about everything and enjoy doing it, but how about we all get excited about the possibility of a return to the beatings we used to put on opposing offenses (I am reminded of some of the hits that were laid in the 03 Alabama game) rather than being so critical? Personally, I'm ready for a break after two years.

WHM said...

Think j.leondardjr hit it on the head... The reason all Fabris and Jancek were both let go has to do w/ creating room for the new DC to bring in his own guys. (Read transcript from Richt's press conference at

I like Bumpas... if Patterson really is the genuis behind it all there, that's another thing. TCU's D scheme is fun to watch.

Dawg19 said...

Tuberville knows how to beat Florida. That's the kind of DC I want. The down years for the gators are over for a while. We have to get somebody that won't be scared of them.

SCdawg said...

when asked about any salary constraints, Richt said,

"Damon has said publicly and to me that he will do what needs to be done," Richt said. "We're going to do what's appropriate."

Paul Johnson's Turkey Neck said...

No way in hell tubs goes from being an elite D1 head football coach to being our DC. He already said he wants to be a HEAD COACH again. People, STOP creating unrealistic expectations.

NRBQ said...

Can I just throw this out there?

Pollack for the defensive ends job.

Anonymous said...

It may be fine that Tuberville wants to be a head coach again, but his name is not exactly burning up the short lists at the schools that are presently open.

Anonymous said...

Pollack already said he's not interested via Twitter

PTC DAWG said...

Pollack needs to eat a sammich or four.

Andy said...

My brother compared Pollack to that singer-guy from Stone Temple Pilots. He needs to beef up, I agree!

NRBQ said...

WFT does that mean?

Pollack's not gonna play.

All he's done is play tackle in high school, and when asked to play end,
UGA's only 3-time All-American.
The ‘02 SEC Player of the Year.
The ‘04 SEC Defensive POY.
Winner of the ‘04 Bednarik Award, ‘03 & ‘04 Hendricks Award,
‘04 Lombardi Award,
and‘04 Lott Trophy.

Naw, we don't need balls-out over-acheivers like that on staff.

Especially one who knows so little about GATA from the DE position.

Andy said...

It means he's lost a helluva lot of weight since the injury with Cincy. That's all.

Anonymous said...

Pollack doesn't have degree. It won't be HIS choice.

Anonymous said...

NRBQ - Pollack is UGA's 2nd 3 time All American but you make a point.

NRBQ said...


He earned a Bachelor's in history.

Kirby Smartt said...

Those in the blogosphere that have the ability to do this, should call out Scarbinsky at for his lack of research regarding this article.....

Richt beat Saban 2 meetings in a row...'04 & '07.

NRBQ said...

Thanks, Anon.

Was thinking they snubbed 34 as a freshman, as they did with the Heisman.

Anonymous said...

mexican food tastes good.

Andy said...


I certainly wasn't having a go at you. If we want to recruit Pollack for the job, I'm 110% behind it. Though, he's young, but aren't we/they all?

47. Yeah.

SteveODawg said...

I like Bud Foster from VT.

Anonymous said...

If Pollack has a degree, he got it recently. He didn't leave with one.

Irishdawg said...

Get a younger, fiery guy like Smart. Will Muschamp turned a typically soft Big 12 defense into a top-5 one in a year. We need somebody like that.

Anonymous said...

They just had Damon on for an interview in the Broadcast of the Dawgs b-ball game tonight. He said that Richt is in complete control of football operations and he is the final decision-maker. I, for one, am glad that the decision did appear to be Richt's alone and he was not influenced.

Sam (my actual name) said...

Tuberville: no way, he would be a one and done sort of guy. I prefer stability.

Foster: Great coach, but I gotta think he is looking to step up or wait for Beamer to retire.

I find it interesting that people dismiss the TCU DC while thinking Smart would be a brilliant move. Saban is also the brains of the Bama defense. I am not against either hire--I suggested the TCU DC a while back, just the illogic gets me.

Tenuta: no thanks, but then I am not sure ND had a lot of talent there to begin with.

I would check out the Cincy DC. He did a great job--of course he might be the next in line to be HC there if Kelly goes to ND.
Best of luck in the selections.

JaxJay said...

I'm hearing that Charlie Strong is about to take the Louisville head coaching job, that will leave FSU, UGA, and UF without a DC (though I think UF will promote from within) its a good time to be a stud DC.

Astronaut Mike Dexter said...

I'd like to throw Mark Snyder's name into the mix -- just fired from the head-coaching job at Marshall, but before that he was a hell of a DC for Ohio State. His tenure under Tressel included the national-championship season in '02. Let's all remember, that OSU team had Craig Krenzel as its quarterback, yet they still went 14-0 and brought home the crystal football. So yeah, Snyder probably knows a thing or two about defense.

Anonymous said...

I wondered the same thing about Fabris and improved production from the DE spot but look at all the bootlegs in the UT game. DE's biggest responsibility is to "stay at home" - they got outside all day. As did kentucky. He's coached some good DE's but there has been a noticeable lack of discipline from that group as well.

Anonymous said...

I like it, Doug. Some Tressel-ball discipline only with SEC athletes - I like the sound of that.

As much as I like our guys playing with violence and swagger on D, control and discipline seem to have been gone since the Hawaii game - see Paul's article earlier this year re: drive-continuing penalties.

We can recruit some incredible talent - just imagine what having someone getting them to play as a unit on a consistent basis could be like.

NRBQ said...

C'mon, Doug.

Your allegiance to Marshall is admirable, I guess.

But this is a top-tier job.

(And congratulations on touching a tit in who-knows-how-long.)

Anonymous said...

How do you spell douche? Oh, I got it, NRBQ.

Anonymous said...


Pollack isn't a candidate because Pollack has said repeatedly that he has no passion for the game at that level any more. He has said publicly on the radio and I think via twitter that he has zero interest in coaching.

That's why he's not a candidate, and it's the only reason.


The Watch Dawg said...

Now that's actually a good suggestion, Doug. Far better than the retarded stuff I've seen from most people so far (including you pal NRBQ).

Unknown said...

I have been calling for Willie's firing for at least three years and all I can say is thanks for the effort and best of luck.

Astronaut Mike Dexter said...

Thanks, NRBQ, for about the most random-ass response I've ever received at this or any other blog.

But yes, touching a tit was grand. Touching two was even better. Want me to describe what it's like?

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