A play like that should be associated with a win. It had iconic absurdity, yet it went for nothing. In many ways, that catch mirrors Tyson Browning's epic 93 yard touchdown run on the screen pass in Baton Rouge in 2003 which tied the game 10-10. A play that we would all talk about with reverence if we had won that game.
Anyway, it makes a great read for the Kool-Aid man visual as much as anything else.
I promise....no more UF week talk. Just had to get that one post out of the way. It's time for the Aubies.

Paul, funny you should mention how the JT3 TD play mirrored TBs screen TD at LSU03...I thought the UF game mirrored that game in many ways. From the moment the ball dropped to the ground on the first pass to Milner, it seemed like we were doomed...nothing would go the good guy's way. Then throw in a couple of missed FGs from a typically sure-footed soccer player kicking the pigskin...
Funny YOU should mention Milner's dropped pass, because I was thinking the same thing when he dropped it -- that the drop most likely signaled a very bad omen for the remainder of the game. Before the Cocktail Party I wrote this long screed recalling the moment in the '04 Auburn-Georgia game where I knew Georgia was going to lose, and it was on their very first drive, when they got stuck with a 3rd-and-long deep in Auburn territory and Richt tried to just get them in better field goal position rather than make an actual effort to make the first down. That was a yeah-we're-f$#!ed moment followed by a game that got progressively worse, whereas the Milner drop was an uh-oh moment followed by a few isolated glimmers of hope the Auburn game didn't even come close to offering -- but still, it shows how much momentum means to the college game, and even a Florida fan agreed with me this morning that had MIlner caught the pass and resulted in even a kinda-sorta-halfway decent drive, the whole game could've turned out differently. Crap, now I'm depressed again.
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