I have never, and I mean NEVER been accused of being a classy winner. Gracious in defeat, but intolerable in victory. That's my style.
I'm also a big believer in the ancient quote by Plato circa 500 BC that states, "If one cannot delight in the misery of others, then he does not deserve to be a college football fan."
It is with this background in mind, that I present the Georgia Sports Blog's 2005 "Fan of the Year." The award goes to the "Unknown" Texas Tech fan who gets his money's worth post-game with the Oklahoma players, coaches and media in this video.
Go Raiders indeed. (video link)
[Photo: Georgia Sports Blog executives present the "Unknown" Raider fan with a check as part of the awards ceremony held at the Texas State Capital.]
Is it just me or did that voice sound like a very, very drunk Peyton Manning?
It's just me?
OK then.
That is one of the funniest things I have heard. Too damn funny.
Also, what was that around the football players mouth?
That was hilarious.
dude, harsh,the guy has a pigment condition. That said, amazing video, put that straight into PWDs pantheon.
That was too funny!!! And Doug might be right too.
> Also, what was that around the football players mouth?
Yep. Simple Pigment condition. I have several white friends that have it. One chick does, but she covers it up with make up. A guy I know has it, but it's on his hands so you don't notice.
For a black guy, it's just dramatically more noticable.
Your basic Tech fan. The have lots of class.
If only he would have chanted D-CAF.
That was the funniest thing I've seen this morning!!
Dude, that DID sound like Peyton Manning!!! Who wrote that?! Genius! I am a Texas Tech grad and am PROUD of this prestigious honor bestowed our proud unknown Tech fan!!!
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