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January 26, 2006

NCAA to release official RPI Data for Hoops

Upon reading the news that the NCAA will begin publishing their official RPI data, Warren Nolan, Mike Greenfield and this guy immediately opened a bottle of Jack Daniels and attempted to drown their sorrows.

The interesting thing from the NCAA's press release is this statement:
"One of the committees' primary objectives over the last few years has been to increase the transparency and understanding regarding the process of selecting teams for the tournament," said Craig Littlepage, chairman of the Division I men's selection committee. "We think that announcing the results of the RPI ranking on a weekly basis has its benefits."

Essentially, the NCAA Selection committee sits inside a smoke filled room and fills out a bracket for 65 teams using a combination of RPI Data, Polls, gut instinct and guidance from Coach K at Duke. The process is confusing and vague at times because it exists entirely behind close doors.

[Photo: NCAA Officials await Coach K's call for a heads up on his preferred site location and matchup. Greensboro anyone?]

HOWEVER, the NCAA is sensitive to public perception in this area, and they are moving towards more transparency in the process.

At the same time, the NCAA lets the BCS remain confusing with unmarked coach's ballots, bizarre Harris Poll nominations and unpublished Computer Poll rankings.

One gets clearer and easier to understand. The other gets more confusing. The fact that they are run by the same people baffles me.



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