When fans submitted to security checks during the last two years at home football games of the Atlanta Falcons, Auburn University and the University of Georgia, among those carrying out those checks were residents of an unlicensed Columbus mental health center.The entire story is beyond bizarre. The good news....they weren't allowed to touch anyone or touch stuff.
The use of Greater Grace Community Center residents in security details at major professional and college sporting events, confirmed by a number of the residents, was not disclosed to the universities or the arena operators.
[one of the workers] said he has been diagnosed with a number of mental illnesses including anti-social personality disorder, bipolar disorder and homicidal tendencies.
In an effort to further persuade them to volunteer, Berg said Upshaw promised he would use the money from the Super Bowl to fix up the center Greater Grace operated in a 1932-era prison just off Buena Vista Road. The buildings have been updated little since they were built. The facility was shut down Feb. 1 for city building code violations, which were brought to the attention of city inspectors by the irate uncle of one of the residents.

Ticket please.
To clarify, UGA, Auburn and the Georgia Dome say that they were unaware of this sketchy sounding deal. This appears to be way down the vendor food chain from them.
It's mostly a sad story of one shady guy in Columbus, and another well known vendor doing what looks like a questionable job of screening subcontractors.
11Alive now has the story as well.
Based on recent events, I'm surprised they weren't at Bobby Dodd too. You sure Dave Braine wasn't the one in charge of this little operation?
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