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March 1, 2006

"The last time Georgia Tech beat Georgia"

There was a bit of a debate in the comments section of a post on the Georgia Sports Blog yesterday. Apparently, there is some confusion on the proper terminology around "the last time Georgia Tech beat Georgia." The confusion centers around the NCAA's ruling to vacate certain Georgia Tech "wins" games.

To clear up the confusion, Dan is right (on many fronts). Mainly he's right in that it isn't "16 in a row."

You can properly describe The Streak (which should ALWAYS have Title Case at this point) using any of the following phrases:
  • "Georgia Tech hasn't beaten Georgia in almost 16 years."

  • "Georgia Tech hasn't beaten Georgia since 1990."

  • "Georgia Tech hasn't beaten Georgia since before the first Gulf War."

  • "Georgia Tech hasn't beaten Georgia since Windows 3.0 was released."

  • "Georgia Tech hasn't beaten Georgia since the Channel Tunnel connecting France to England opened."

  • "Georgia Tech hasn't beaten Georgia since Garry Kasparov won the World Chess Championship by beating Anatoly Karpov."

  • "Georgia Tech hasn't beaten Georgia since Eastern Airlines closed."

  • "Georgia Tech hasn't beaten Georgia since Pete Rose was barred from the Baseball Hall of Fame."

  • "Georgia Tech hasn't beaten Georgia since Rodney King got his ass kicked by LA Cops. The first time."

  • "Georgia Tech hasn't beaten Georgia since Boris Yeltsin got elected. The first time."

  • "Georgia Tech hasn't beaten Georgia since New Kids on the Block had a Top 10 song."

  • "Georgia Tech hasn't beaten Georgia since before the Collapse of the Soviet Union."
These are just the facts of the case. Much has happened in the world since the Soviet Union collapsed and Tech was relevant. It helps to put it all into perspective now and again.

BTW -- to learn more about Tech's increasing NCAA problems, click on the "Tech Kemp" story. With these troubles brewing, it could be another 16 years before the tickle pilers beat Georgia.

If you care to add perspective on your pre-The Streak memories, I'm all ears.



Anonymous said...

From Mike Floyd:

A few more, from a sporting perspective.

"Tech hasn't beaten Georgia since the Atlanta Braves infield was composed of Jim Presley (3B), Andres Thomas (SS), Jeff Treadway (2B) and Tommy Gregg (1B). The team finished 65-97, 26 games behind first place Cincinnati."

"Tech hasn't beaten Georgia since Greg Maddux was a Chicago Cub....the first time."

"Tech hasn't beaten Georgia since the Falcons squandered a first round draft pick on Andre Rison."

"Tech hasn't beaten Georgia since Brett Favre was wearing a Falcons uniform."

"Tech hasn't beaten Georgia since four years before the Hawks traded Dominique Wilkins for Danny Manning."

Man, this could go on forever...

Oh, and one more...

"Tech hasn't beaten Georgia since the first year of The Simpsons."

This could go on for weeks....WEEKS I tell you!!!!!

Anonymous said...

...the Falcons were playing their home games outdoors.

...Dominique Wilkins, Spud Webb, and Doc Rivers were playing for the Hawks in the Omni.

...Georgia 400 ended at I-285.

...Joe Frank Harris was governor of Georgia.

...the Braves had just finished another losing season.

Astronaut Mike Dexter said...

Or you could phrase it a different way: "The last time Tech beat Georgia . . . "

. . . George H.W. Bush hadn't even broken his "no new taxes" pledge yet, and the only thing his son had fucked up were the Texas Rangers.

. . . the only Nintendo was the original 8-bit system.

. . . only five different episodes of "Seinfeld" had been aired.

. . . Georgia had won seven of their last 10 against the Gators.

. . . Anna Nicole Smith was just a topless dancer in Houston, and Pamela Anderson still had her original boobs.

. . . Lexus had only been on sale for a year.

. . . Phil Fulmer was svelte.

Dawgnoxious said...

Normally I think Doug's posts and comments are beyond reproach. However, I have to call BS on the last one: The last time Tech beat Georgia, Phil Fulmer was svelte?

Has Phil Fulmer ever been svelte? I have to imagine even as a child as he struggled to reach one of his mother's eight teats with the other piglets in his brood, his ass was enormous.

Anonymous said...

.....Nelson Mandela was released from prison

....the Hubble space telescope was launched.

....before OJ "didn't" do it.

....before Magic, Michael Jordan, Wayne Gretzky, and Stephy Graff retired.

....right after The Wall in Germany fell.

.... before smoking was banned on US domestic flights

.... before Kavorkian aided his first suicide.

.... before Jeffery Dahmer was arrested.

.... before Andrew hit Florida.

Anonymous said...

here's my favorite, and perhaps the most viciously amusing addition to a very fine list:

GTU hasnt beaten UGA since virtually every poll except the one by the subsequently defunct UPI declared the Colorado Buffaloes to be the 1990 National Champion.

By the way, nerds, I still have my "Colorado-1990 National Champion" gear (hats and t-shirts) that I wore to the delight of Bulldogs and the dismay of GTU fans back in that era. Someone needed to set the record straight.

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