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April 10, 2006

Spring Game Quick Thoughts

Stafford in action click to enlarge.

Work is going to be crazy today. I may not post much, but here's a quick hitter.

-- First, I went to Gday. What a debacle, but then again isn't it always? Stafford looked best by far in that he didn't implode like Cox and he didn't leave us stuck in neutral like Joe T. If the receivers would've caught the balls that Stafford put directly into their hands, the stat line would've been of the jaw dropping nature that leaves fans in a complete tizzy.

-- NaDerris Ward is the super recruit TE from California that's coming in the Fall. He needs to get into the weight room immediately and get himself ready because we're going to need him. You never know from game to game what you're going to get with Milner, and the other guys are all very limited in what they can do. If Ward is as good as some believe/hope, there's a place for him on this team immediately.

-- Asher Allen, Remarcus Brown, Paul Oliver, Charles Johnson and Kade Weston all looked impressive on GDay to me. Danny Ware, Ken Shackleford and most of the WRs did not look impressive at all. It's just one practice, but it wasn't the sort of thing that instills confidence in you. Check for more articles on Gday. For more on Bloggerpalooza and G-Day check Kyle's article.

Remarcus Brown in action. Click to enlarge.

-- Apologies to Doug at HeyJennySlater for missing Bloggerpalooza. The weather and bedhead threw my departure time off. Sorry I missed it.

-- Jason Johnson rushed for 97 yards at G-Day earning him what I call the Ronnie Powell award. This award recognizes obscenely impressive stats from Gday for a player that will never play meaningful minutes in a game. The award is named after 9 time Spring Game MVP Ronnie Powell who never made it above 4th string as an RB at UGA.

-- Went to the GymDogs NCAA Tourney meet after GDay. It was the first Gymnastics meet that I've attended in a few years, and I forgot how much I enjoyed it. If you've never been, you should give it a shot. Great product. Kyle at looked at the Gym Dogs schedule this year, and drew some comparisons. Apparently, Suzanne scheduled the other 9 schools ranked in the Pre-Season top 10. And she beat all of them. Some twice already. Cool article.

That's all for now.



Dawgnoxious said...

Iron Chef Turducken had the best line of the day, following one of Martrez Milner's dropped balls: "Are we in Jacksonville?"


Anonymous said...

I heard after the game some of Georgia players decided to play a trick on Cox and paint a big end zone on his front door. Cox was very upset with the pranksters. He couldn't get into his own house.

(Thought I'd throw that one out there. I originally heard it as a Chris Chandler joke. Seemed fitting here.)

Anonymous said...

We are in BIG TROUBLE if Joe T III is our most effective QB come game time. He looks pressured in the pocket even when no one is around.

Anonymous said...

They gave them the extra point because there wasn't supposed to be a rush on the PAT.

82 said...

Back when GDay was as big of a deal as it should be (like the times it was actually held AT THE PRACTICE FIELDS) the 'Ronnie Powell Award' was actually called the Johnny Brown Award. I assume since you changed its name to the Ronnie Powell Award that it now should be refered to the Jason Johnson Award since its name is not static.

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