Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

August 30, 2006

Video: Dooley's Junkyard Dawgs (James Brown Live)

From AVP video's "25 Years of Georgia Football: The Vince Dooley Era" comes this live halftime performance of James Brown doing his song "Dooley's Junkyard Dawgs." It was performed at the Gator Bowl...which I assume to have been the Cocktail Party, and not the Jan 1st Gator Bowl. Anyone know?

I can't decide what's most awesome about this, but I'm leaning towards the Red Jump Suit. GATA.

Note: I looked around and can't find a copy of the video online to link to so that you can buy it. However, here's a link to other Bulldog Videos. (Don't worry, I'm not pimping my store...this time.) The back of the box says you can order more videos by calling 800-688-DOGS, but I imagine this video is out of print. If it's available, I recommend it. It's outstanding.

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