Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

October 6, 2006

Not that it matters or that you care, but....

I'm ditching the white shirt tomorrow and going black after all. What the heck...we're not scoring any points with the white. Time to stir old lady luck up a bit.



Anonymous said...

Hell. Freaking. Yeah.

Go Dawgs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PMac said...

Come on Paul atleast go Red! Don't go along with the students!

Anonymous said...

If we lose you are to blame. Not the defense, offense, or the poor kicking. Not the wrs that can't catch a cold nacked in Alaska. It is you because you broke tradition. I am wearing the same clothes as always. I have no problem with the black. However, I don't want to switch b/c I don't want to be rsponsible for our loss :)

Anonymous said...

i can't wear a red shirt b/c i wear red pants.

i'm wearing black b/c i want to wear black. not b/c of the students

Chris said...

I think our lackluster offence, along with the fact that we won't be able to kick field goals for the rest of the year has more to do with a possible loss than your shirt. Just my .02

Anonymous said...

You'll never go back.

Martin's said...

Black, red white green, it doesn't matter. What does matter is the dawgs playing to even 3/4 of their potential. we haven't seen that yet on the offense, defense, or coaching staff. That said, we are 5-0, so i'd stick to what's worked so far--white!!

Anonymous said...

Just got back to the house for a little while before heading back down. Got the tents set up in the newly liberated areas of North Campus and its a beautiful thing.

SmoothJimmyApollo said...

Unrelated to what color shirt you wear, but the Cherrishinski made its corporate debut today by appearing in the pictures section of the AJC's UGA/UT tailgating coverage.

Anonymous said...

why do you guys need an intern? so they could run into an intern from Knoxville and get their ass beat??


Can't way to see Richt as a Hurricane!

Anonymous said...

Put the white back on.

Dawgnoxious said...

SmoothJimmy: those folks in the paper eating Cherrishinskis mocked fate. Cherrishinskis are eternally banned from our tailgate because both games at which we enjoyed Cherrishinskis were disasters (UF '05 & AU '05). Now, those folks go opening up Pandora's bad mojo box.

Just out of view in the photo, those Cherrishinski eaters were walking under ladders and breaking mirrors.

Anonymous said...

We lost b/c people changed from their usual "Lucky" clothing. Damn that black.

82 said...

I know its all for fun and all but comments about losing because someone wore a different shirt is the lamest stuff I've read on the internet in a while. And thats saying something.

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