Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

December 13, 2006

SEC South Park Coaches

My favorite is Coach O

Someone sent me this months ago. I sux for not posting it sooner. I didn't save who sent it. Send me an email (See the profile for the address), and I'll give you props.



Anonymous said...

The Sly Croom is priceless. And of course, good ol' Ed looks as crazy as ever.

Too bad Shula's no longer applicable.

Anonymous said...

I think someone has mistaken Spurrier for Jon Gruden.

S.A.W.B. said...

That, sir, is comedy GOLD.

Ludakit said...
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Ludakit said...

It was me. It was passed to me by a friend at work. No props necessary.

Coach O tends to be my favorite by the way. He looks like he's just ready to kill someone.

Anonymous said...

my favorite is les miles. that big ass head cracks me up.

Crane said...

Spurrier with Blonde Hair?

I personally would dress him up as a Goth Kid.

Astronaut Mike Dexter said...

Somebody got to the Spurrier/Gruden comparison before I could. Anyway, I love the slightly psychotic Houston Nutt. I guess that makes Gus Malzahn Mr. Hat.

Anonymous said...

The Cartman-esque Fulmer is pretty good too. Imagine him squinting and screaming "Of course I want some more Cheesy Poofs!!!!"

Anonymous said...

Tommy Tuberville is dead-on in that South Park portrayal.

Anonymous said...

Tubberville as "GAY SATAN"

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