The Sun-Sentinel has the story and video. This is the kind of stunt Spurrier would enjoy.
Hat tip - Cool Hands Crib
UGA 45 Austin Peay 0
UGA 41 South Carolina 17
UGA 43 Mizzou 29
UGA 38 Tenn 12
UGA 41 Vandy 13
LSU 36 UGA 13
UGA 36 UF 17
UGA 34 UK 17
UGA 27 AU 10
UGA 66 UMass 27
UGA 45 Tech 21
As much as I love living in Birmingham, I'm tired of the Sabanbating from the Alabama fans. They're one losing season short of being South Carolina West in my book. The last time my team played theirs, we not only hung 37 on them in the first half, but also gave their first and second string quarterbacks down syndrome. Still, the guys at the office insist on talking more trash than Oscar-the-frickin-Grouch. Why, Alabama? Why?
If Dennis Franchione had sent Aggie Andy's 12th Man Moving Service to clean out his house in Tuscaloosa, it would have been "classless." Maybe even "spiteful." Hell, that might have even raised some eyebrows in College Station.
Then again, I rarely meet Bammers with class. Or eyebrows, for that matter.
I'm kinda with you on that one, Binx. Typically I've been an Alabama fan as long as they're not playing Georgia, but the trash-talking from them in the wake of Saban's hiring has gotten to the point where I almost hope they lose to Auburn a sixth straight time this year, just to see what the total meltdown from Tide Nation would look like.
At any rate, here's hoping Georgia gets to give Saban his first taste of defeat this year. If that happens, I plan on coming to the office the following Monday decked the f$#! out in Georgia gear, and yes, I will be as big an asshole as humanly possible.
Don't hate just because we don't have a "football imbecile" in charge anymore. Dubose couldn't keep his wallet in his pocket. Franchione couldn't recruit. Price couldn't keep his pants zipped up. Shula couldn't make an adjustment, or motivate, or discipline anyone, or beat LSU, or most importantly beat Auburn.
Alabama made 40+ million in profit last year. That was with a 6-7 football team led by a legacy in over his head. The administration saw that there would eventually be empty seats in BDS and that can't happen if you just expanded the stadium. The salary for Coach Saban is private money and looked upon as an investment. The money is just now starting to match the expectations.
I'll be the first to tell you Alabama fans will always have unrealistic expectations. It will probably always be that way. Coach Bryant spoiled us that way. But how is it any different than the expectations of Notre Dame post-Rockne, Texas post-Royal, Oklahoma post-Wilkerson, and USC post-McKay.
Its just getting old man. You've become a joke - like the gamecocks.
Have some dignity & quit being such asshats.
When you actually do something under savior saban, then you can runs those big mouths. Until then, you look like punks... like the gamecocks. Nice company.
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