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September 3, 2007

Ok State Game: Overheard

The dead lay in pools of orange below (Image:

Some one liners overheard around the stadium and on TV this weekend.
  • "He'll be so emasculated after this, he'll have to sit down when he pees." -- Dawgnoxious
    I assume he was referring to Mike Gundy's game planning. If he weren't, he should've been. Martinez and Bobo handed the OSU staff their asses.

  • Reece Davis: "Should Michigan still be ranked in the Top 25?" Lou Holtz replied, "I'm positive that Michigan is still one of the Top 10 teams in the Big 10. (See also, Brian Cook's, top Michigan blogger, reaction to the news of the App State game. Here kitty, kitty)

  • "Jeremy spoke in class today." -- ScenicCityDawg
    The boys from 'Nooga that sit near me at the game sang pretty much the entire Pearl Jam song after Lomax's big sack. Woo. Woo. Woo. Woo. Woo. Woo. Woo. Woo. And so forth.

  • "You can't buy first downs." -- Bob Davie
    Bob was talking about the impact of Boone Pickens financial gifts to the Oklahoma State program.

  • "Georgia Tech would beat Notre Dame 11 out of 10 times." -- RoyOrbisonDawg
    Upon seeing the highlights of Tech's trip to South Bend
There were other great lines, but most are escaping me right now. What were the best lines that you heard over the college football weekend? (No F-bombs please)



Unknown said...

on ESPN live chat with Desmond Howard:

Dave, Winthrop, MA: Desmond, who had the biggest penis out of everyone you've ever played with?

SportsNation Desmond Howard: (10:15 AM ET ) Your sister

Anonymous said...

Does App State have to give back the $440K they earned?

Anonymous said...

From my 6 year old son who made it through the whole game standing on his seat, "Mom, I am so happy we're Bulldogs".

Anonymous said...

"Please don't let Eddie Sutton drive home tonight!"

Anonymous said...

Bob Davies: "They're breeding bulldogs too big now."

I hope this is his audition tape for the Westminster Kennel Club. He has no place in a college football broadcasting booth.

Anonymous said...

Bob Davie also said "Bailey and Brown didn't play a down of football last year due to knee injuries". He's such a moron, does he do any homework or does ESPN just let him shoot from the hip?

Anonymous said...

Another..."Appy State would beat us 6 out of 10 times." -- Michigan fan on MZone after the game.

Anonymous said...

Usually the lunkhead in the booth is the play-by-play guy, but Davies is a lunkhead in a class by himself. He isn't good enough for the Westminster Kennel Club.

Anonymous said...

My wife, after looking around at all the old hippies at the Randall Bramblett show at the Foundry (Melting Point):

"I swear we just walked into the Star Wars bar."

Ludakit said...

Some friends and I were watching the Redcoats practice and I was told by one of my buddies what Mike Bobo said when he ran into him at the Kangaroo down the street that morning:

Upon hearing his (Bobo's) name on the radio:

"Party like a Rockstar!"

Upon being told "good luck on the game today" by my friend:


Needless to say, he earned his arrogance. R.E.M. would be so proud of their lead singer.

blackertai said...

Did anyone get a screen cap of the guys in the student section with "HA MICHIGAN" written on their backs?

Anonymous said...

My son, after R. Jones dropped that OSU player: "Man, the ref should call that one like in Necessary Roughness...Cobra death strike to the heart..."

Trey said...

After the Michigan debacle, ESPN cuts to Lou Holtthhh and Mark "Beaver Pelt" May for a tete-a-tete about how sucky Michigan is.

Lou is talking about App State's quarterback, and says it hard to defend someone who "scrambles accurately." I sat puzzled for a minute, only to be snapped back to reality when Mark May said that Michigan had no excuse for losing to a team this "insuperior."

Oddly enough, the latter comment sort of made sense... at least compared to Lou.

blackertai said...

It's bad when MayDay starts making sense, man. The end is near.

Anonymous said...

...low quality screen shot of "haha michigan"

Anonymous said...

ludakit -

you're going to have to run that one by me again...

Quinton McDawg said...

I also heard Granny Holtz say "This wasn't an upset" on Gameday Final's Michigan-App State segment. I thought May was going to explode. Rece just sat there smirking.

Anonymous said...

I saw the Ha Ha Michigan guys. Did they not look orange to anyone else? I asked my wife how the hell there were OSU fans in the very front of the student section?

blackertai said...

They were painted red, but the hair they had on was definitely orange. I'm not sure what they were thinking...

Anonymous said...

Decide for yourself.

Paste this URL together.

BenG said...

A Pokes fan named currentcowboy on DawgPost: "Stafford made our QB look like a young boy around his first pair of boobs."

Anonymous said...

Early during the ESPN2 broadcast, the other announcer called the Ok State QB "a poor man's Vince Young." Bob Davie countered a few minutes later that Ok State's marquee receiver is "a poor man's Calvin Johnson."

Anonymous said...

"We just saw a national championship team".

OSU fan , to another, on the bridge after the game.

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