Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

December 20, 2007

Saturday in Athens (video)

I posted a link to the scoreboard videos the other day, but they are now on Youtube. Stu508 is the man.



Harvey Birdman said...

That video is going to come in handy starting in the early summer when I'm craving some college football.

Anonymous said...
recorded at the kentucky game, so the quality isn't very good (sorry) but it includes clips from this season's games. Check the main page for 3 other vids if you are interested.

SlawDawg said...

I guess this is my little time to brag. i'm on the kentucky game entrance video. I'm the crazy guy with the black shirt, red tie and silver britches danceing. I'm the second whitest kid you know (behind the dancing hawg guy from arkansas)

Anonymous said...

You can get this video and ALL the other cool UGA professional videos at this site (much higher quality):


Anonymous said...

just scroll the list on the right side and you will see about 4 different UGA videos they play on the jumbotron. I think this site creates the videos for UGA.


Anonymous said...

i've linked to that site before.

It's just that the Youtube clip can be embedded.

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