Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

January 9, 2008

Just what the doctor ordered...

Felton got exactly what he needed. A packed house, a win and some momentum. Kudos to Felton for finding a way to win despite incredible foul trouble by his big men. Huge props to Billy Humphrey for playing on a knee that was giving him issues late in the game, and a helluva a game by Gaines and Corey Butler. The link above has the details.

Also, hats off to the students. They probably bought 30-40% of the tickets. Way to represent! Now, let's make a little more noise next week.

The basketball team has now won 6 of the past 9 against the Yellow Jackets.

More later. Heading back to Atlanta now.



Anonymous said...

Just watched the replay on CSS. BTW a big KMA to Raycom/Jefferson Pilot/Lincoln Financial/Mizzou/whatever for preventing a live airing of the game. Although I have to admit UT-Ole Miss was a good game. Our guards played well and I think our bench is starting to come around. The two big issues right now, imo, are turnovers
and lack of production from our bigs.
With the SEC way down this year we CAN win. But will we?

Anonymous said...

I really wish they would expand the student section a little bit. Why turn students away when there are a significant number of empty seats?

Anonymous said...

Can this team improve as the Conference schedule kicks in? And Brian, you are absolutely correct. I think they should sink the floor and make it a pit, then add some seats.

Anonymous said...

There were no unsold seats.

The folks that didn't show didn't show. I was in the game. The students bought all the remaining regular seats after the student seats sold out.

Students probably bought 40% of all tix.

Whirl said...

The only reason there were empty seats was due to missing season-ticket holders. It was a pretty packed house, I was impressed.

(ps, I am the guy who runs replay during the games)

Anonymous said...

Interesting to read ya'll's comments on the game re: the "packed house." It really looked and sounded empty on TV, although the color guy kept saying the crowd was fired up. Guess it didn't translate to CSS.

I love that the DAWGS beat Tech. I hate Tech. But man, we really suck. We just got lucky that they suck worse than we do. The SEC is going to have to be really down this year for this squad to win very many games IMO.

Looks like Felton's last year to me.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the post, the students need to be louder. Even though there was a great turnout, most of the students were pretty quite. For myself I can say I didn't have a voice at the end of the game so hopefully I can get the rest of my fellow students to do the same. I would also like to challenge the alumni and other fans to get up and get loud. Great win for the dawgs though, we sure needed it.

Anonymous said...


The crowd shows poorly on TV because the big booster seats are directly behind the benches and on TV the most.

Bateman told me last year that they have looked at flipping the camera angles in the past to show the student sections, but there are some logistical considerations related to seating and advertising.

Some of the students were noisy. But mostly, they were pretty docile. Between horrific offense show in the first half by both teams, the FIFTY total fouls called and 66 free throws, it was a very hard to watch game with very little flow.

If Woodbury or AJax throws down a thunder dunk on any of their blown layups under touch plays around the basket, I think the place goes bananas.

The first step is getting folks to show up. Now, we have to give them a product that is exciting.

Anonymous said...

How to solve the problem? Move the students to the other side. You watch a Duke game and the camera focuses on their students along the whole sideline the entire time!

Anonymous said...


the SEC doesn't allow students to sit directly behind the bench.

btw -- Look at the duke sideline again. The camera isn't pointed at the coach's sideline.

The students at Cameron sit on the same side of the venue as UGA students. It's just that the Duke TV stands are on the opposite side.

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