Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

February 22, 2008

Add this to the list of things Tech Men can't do

The list of "Things Tech Men(sic) Can't Do" gets longer every day. We have published reports that address critical issues like...
  • Can't Count to Four - See Reggie Ball circa 2004

  • Can't Beat Georgia without Cheating - See last 17 years

  • Can't go to NCAA Compliance Class - See 1960-2005

  • Can't Win 9 or 10 Games Consistently - See Dave Braine

  • Can't Beat Georgia without Ralph Friedgen - See last 22 years

  • Can't Find The State of Atlanta on Map - See Joe Hamilton

  • Can't Sell Tickets without Free Hot Dogs - See last 100 years

  • Can't Hide 100 Pounds of Weed in his Dorm - See Reuben Houston

  • Can't touch a boobie - See last 200 years
And now we add...
Can't engineer a roof - See The Rain Out
I mean seriously...a helluva, helluva, helluva rain out? Stegeman may have its flaws, but we don't play in the rain. Engineering geniuses my ass. The roof project must've been one of Stephon Marbury's projects when he was in school. Oh. Wait. He was never in school. My mistake.



Anonymous said...

Welcome to "Schadenfreude: The Engineering Edition."

Any time an indoor game gets rained out at an "engineering institute," while us supposed rubes, farmers and future employees of GTU grads are enjoying a dry evening indoors, it's just serendipity.

Plus, the good news is GTU will probably lose when they make up the game. I hope Coach Corvoisier consults the weather report before the next nerd home hoops game. Anyone know if the McDonald's Center gives rain checks with their tickets?

Anonymous said...

am i reading this wrong, or did someone actually refer to the Georgia Intstitute of Technology with the abbreviation "GTU" have gotta be kidding me

Will said...

@anon, 10:20
"Starbury" did it all the time--both during the half semester he spent as an alleged student of GTU and for a year or so afterwards.

Anonymous said...


"Alleged student" - Would you offer that term to those who played sports and "participated" in the developmental studies program under Dooley through 1986? Oh wait, a national championship was won during that time. Lift rug, sweep contents under - the Georgia way. Keep embarassing the state, protest those evil UF license plates.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anon 10:40...

never mind the developmental studies program problems, which were over 20 years ago. Tell me about the numerous academincally ineligible students who played football at GTU (dont blame me, blame Stephon Marbury. He's one of yours, right?) in 98/99/00. There were, of course, many other years, it appears. These years were the ones the NCAA focused on.

You nerds love to bang the Jan Kemp drum, but Carol Moore, the former GTU academic liason? Why, she's an anti-Christ figure who tried to ruin your pitiful little football program.

The hypocrisy of the Mustard Nation never ceases to amuse me.

Anonymous said...


When we completely own an institution for the better part of 2 decades we get to call it whatever we want. GTU, North Avenue Trade School, Reggie Ball University, The Goddard Institute for Bedwetting Brats, etc.

BTW: Why are you bringing up incidents from before our current student population was even born? Is that how far you have to go back to come up with some smack?

Anonymous said...

OK, I'll bring the current smack talk up to date for you. You have bragging rights in football right now, and I don't dispute that and have no room to talk trash there.

As for the academically ineligible players to which you are referring. These academically ineligible players at Tech had passed classes which their football counterparts at Georgia never would dream of taking, but some of the classes were incorrect for progression toward their degree. In case you're wondering, we don't offer Principles of Basketball, so it wasn't those type of classes. Were these players all academic all-stars? No. Were they doing good work in classes regarded as the most difficult at Georgia? Yes. You can't even compare Jan Kemp vs what happened at Tech '98-'00. You're talking about kids who couldn't read or write and scored well below 650 on the SAT at Georgia vs kids with 800-1100 SATs who were taking and passing legitimate business courses in a business school ranked higher than Georgia's. Tech made a mistake on these kids eligibility (only one was actually failing, the rest were progression issues) and Carol Moore caught it. She also was partially responsible for the errors. So she and the school are at fault.

As for calling a school whatever you want, you're right, when you're regarded as the best school you can call us what you want. But until then, you can call Tech what it is: the best and most respected college in the University System of Georgia and the one which provides the most economic benefit to the state (look it up). Even though you believe they are one in the same, you are the better football team and Tech is the better school. You're a distant third best college in the state. Nothing says flagship like third best.

Anonymous said...

You know, I came over here just to see what would be posted. I would have been terribly disappointed if there was no mention of it at all on this blog.

Anonymous said...

oh, and one other thing, Anon 10:40...

if you want to talk about the developmental studies program, explain to me how GTU took, as a transfer, a guy who couldnt get out of it at UGA, Tyrone Sorrells, and admitted him as a student in good standing at "Everyone Has To Take Calculus" Tech. Then, explain to me how said student athlete actually GRADUATED from GTU.

I'm not defending the developmental studies program. That issue was beaten to death 20 years ago. It's just funny to me that, for as much as you nerd hypocrites like to wail about it, no one ever seems to be able to explain how a kid who was supposedly so stupid that he had to be in it, and supposedly so stupid that couldnt get out of it at a school where anything supposedly goes academically, transfers to supposedly academically superior GTU and suddenly becomes a model student capable of graduating (and thus, apparently passing all the demanding courses one always hears you nerds bleating about).

I'm guessing you cant explain it, either.

Anonymous said...


GTU's academic fraud was just a paperwork error, which could have happened to anyone. Of course, the NCAA didnt agree, and I seem to remember little things like non-passing grades that routinely got changed to passing grades on appeal. I also remember that the NCAA said something about GTU receiving a substantial competitive advantage from routinely using NUMEROUS academically ineligible athletes.

The Jan Kemp thing was an embarassment for us, but that's long over. Harrick's PE class was an embarassment, too, but none of those players needed that class to remain eligible. You nerds like to skip past that.

Face it. You chase most of the same kids we chase. You just dont get many of them. Is GTU a fine school? Sure. It's just populated by a whiny bunch of nerds who try to make themselves feel better about their lack of social skills or athletic prowess by yammering lies about UGA. You can go jump in a tickle pile for all I care. Just quit lying about UGA.

Anonymous said...

Anon - 11:58

Everything you wrote is a complete and total fabrication.

Joe Hamilton wasn't taking virtually zero classes towards graduation. That's why it took him almost 3 full years after expiring his eligibility to "graduate."

Students flat out made Ds. They flat out did not pass classes. And they flat out played them anyway.

The entire damn thing is outlined in the NCAA report.

S.A.W.B. said...

Just in case anyone had forgotten, here's some links to other marvels of the GTU Engineering Skool.

In all seriousness, it's amazing how the Pee Bees throw historical academic divides into the argument every. single. TIME. it comes up.

If you want to harp about what went on in the 80's under Dooley, let's also discuss the human slime that Cremins was able to force into the 'Institution' during his tenure.

Yech lies and cheats, and from the looks of the shambles of a basketball program that the 'basketball school' in the state is running, they can't even do that well.

Anonymous said...

Back in the 1970's, when alumni could still be on the fringes of recruiting, we had a a good-sized guy at my high school, who was a pretty decent center, but an absolutely horrible student. What most people didn't know was that he was so stupid, when they called the plays in the huddle, one of the receivers had to tell him what his assignment was on that play and specifically who he had to block.

Chip Wisdom, a UGA assistant coach, had scouted him a few times, and one day Dooley called my dad (who was a fishing buddy of his) and asked him about this guy's grades. My dad asked me, and I related what was pretty well known among the student body. My dad passed this on to Dooley, and UGA quit recruiting him.

Where is all this going? This superb student-athlete lettered four years at Tech as their third string center. I'm sure if the facts ever come out, GTU had a situation approaching Jan Kemp squared even back then.

Anonymous said...

Anon from GTU:

If you wish to go back in time to compare academics, let's talk about my all-time favorite helluva engineer, Sammy Drummer. The AJC did a "where are they now" article about him which revealed that his SAT score was 420. That's no typo. 420. This was back when the scale was 400-1600. He had a 420. He had a rock bottom, can't go lower than 200 on the SAT verbal. Since math was his best subject he soared to a 220 on the SAT math. This was before the NCAA minimum days, so GTU admitted him and kept him eligible through his senior year.

As far as UGA players who cannot read, please identify. As far as the "Principles of Basketball" class you GTU guys never mention that the guy who taught that class got fired after 1 semister.

Anonymous said...

GTU guy:

So the reason the NCAA put GTU on probation is because all the graduate level calculus all those guys took didn't count towards their management majors?


Anonymous said...

Addressing points as they were raised:

- Tyrone Sorrells did well in the "developmental studies" program at Georgia. So well that he wanted out, but Georgia would not let him (most likely due to harder classes which would occupy more of his time). He trasferred in good academic standing with Georgia (look it up), and went on to graduate from Tech ... with the free car given to him as a recruit of Georgia.

- Stephon Marbury is not bright, nor did he try hard. I don't know his SATs, and I doubt they were strong. So you're right, he shouldn't have been admitted, he managed to pass through one semester, and failed out and would not have been allowed to stay.

- Despite the four down incident, Reggie Ball is actually smart and will graduate from Tech in the next year. Just not a clutch football player, nice guy and fairly smart too.

- Reuben Houston was a good guy from a great family who was very bright, but wow did he screw up. No arguement there. No excuses for a kid that went to a top high school.

- We chase SOME of the same kids, namely the top quarter or so academically of the kids you chase. This is well documented. Of the kids we both want, you guys get ~80% right now. But don't say we go after anywhere near MOST the same kids.

- "populated by a whiny bunch of nerds who try to make themselves feel better about their lack of social skills or athletic prowess by yammering lies about UGA." First of all, it's not mine or your athletic prowess. It's actually some other kids taking speech/agriculture/PE classes at Georgia vs some guys taking business/management classes at Tech. As for social skills, you're arguing on the internet just like me. That's going to be a tough debate.

- "non-passing grades that routinely got changed to passing grades." Re-read the NCAA report. No grades were changed. D's were allowed as ok to move on in the major, when a "C" was truly required. No one failed. Good try.

- Anon 12:44 - Your ridiculous tale of being a jock sniffer for the high school team is humorous, but totally anecdotal. Do you work for the NYT? And why would Dooley stop recruiting him alone if lots of others on the team had sub-650 SATs too.

- Joe Hamilton - He was taking real courses and it did not take him "three full years" to graduate afterwards. He played pro football (yes, arena guys get paid a bit) until 2006 and graduated in 2007. Tough to squeeze in three full years, huh?

- Sammy Drummer - Don't know the real story, but I'm sure it's not good for Tech. Probably worse than Marbury, and had no business at the Institute.

In summary, we're sure as hell not perfect and sure as hell not better than Georgia in football right now. But these allegations of shady behavior at Tech are VERY few and far between, and pale in comparison to your own transgressions. Just as the academic ability and work required of your football team pales in comparison to that of Tech's.

Anonymous said...


They don't call it M-Train for nothing. Pretending that the student athletes at the Varsity Training Center are in some way intellectually superior to that of other institutions of higher learning is laughable. I believe the saying goes "If you win the special olympics..."

Also, if ya'll can't keep the roof from leaking I understand that Auburn has some engineers who can help you out.

Anonymous said...

dude, you keep talking, but you arent saying anything besides "UGA cheats and sucks academically, and Tech doesnt cheat and is practically flawless academically."
You aren't only wrong, you're kind of tedious. Just because you state your opinion, it doesnt make it a "fact."

You're entitled to your opinion, however ridiculous it is. And Tyrone Sorrells, you may be surprised to learn, scored right at 600 on his SAT. No wonder he was such a huge success at GTU.

Marbury? Took him about 4 tries to eke out an 800. Dennis Scott? Multiple tries to eke out an 800. Kenny Anderson. Multiple tries. Of course, all of them were superb student athletes and Total People.

The point isnt that UGA hasnt had a flaw or two. The point is that GTU fans are such ridiculous righteous hypocrites. You nerds keep believing you're the gold standard for student athletics done the right way, and the rest of us will just keep believing the truth. Now shut up and bring me a Cheeseburger plate, because you must be one of the many GTU grads who work for Waffle House.

Anonymous said...

Allschool: They work at the Varsity, not the Waffle House. They were even kind enough to build a branch in Athens to give their student athletes a chance to see how the other half lives after their eligibility has expired.

Anonymous said...

well, dawg05, you know what they say: Travel really IS broadening.

I'm serious about the Waffle House thing, though. It was started in Avondale by a GTU guy named Rogers in the 50s. No wonder it's that urine yellow color. Have to admit the dude's done pretty well for himself. I guess all that calculus helped him figure out the proper grease to hash brown ratio. I've enjoyed many a tasty breakfast thanks to that visionary nerd.

on the other hand, the GTU guys who designed the collapsing midtown hotel parking lot, the sinking Olympic dorms (apparently mis-added something and came up wrong on one end), and the ever popular crumbling Atlanta sewer system didnt do so well. It's tough to be a total person, I guess.

Anonymous said...

I always thought the proper grease to hashbrown ratio was 1:1, but what do I know. I'm not mensa member like Reggie Ball.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:28: Apparently, you didn't comprehend the entire "high school anecdote" I posted earlier. Your esteemed center never got above GTU's THIRD STRING string on the depth chart. Where's this loser going to be on UGA's depth chart? Behind the Water Girl and Hairy Dawg?

Anonymous said...

I'm not being tedious, just responding to each of your polite criticisms of Tech

How can you mock the M-Train at Tech (easiest major) when it is the counterpart of one Georgia's most prestigious and difficult (and lower ranked) colleges.

"The point isnt that UGA hasnt had a flaw or two." - I agree. It's that they have had many, many more than Tech.

All school, you have a pretty detailed record of Tech basketball SAT scores. I'm sure they're all completely accurate. As for Waffle House, you're welcome. Who else would employ your fans as cooks? We just own the place. All the calculus helped him manage those unintelligible Georgia grads. Same goes for the Varsity. We just sign the checks.

To blame a "collapsing midtown hotel parking lot, the sinking Olympic dorms (apparently mis-added something and came up wrong on one end), and the ever popular crumbling Atlanta sewer system" on Tech is laughable. That'd be like blaming your burnt McDonald's fries on a Georgia grad, when you know he couldn't get a job there and went to Krystal. Oh wait.

Not claiming Reggie Ball is Mensa. But in about a year he will be a graduate of higher education in Georgia, which is more than 75% of your fanbase that mocks him can say.

In all seriousness related to football, you guys have a program in great shape and a very good fit at coach. Best of luck this year until November.

Anonymous said...

my recollection of GTU player SAT scores is right on the money, dude. Nexis is your friend. Surely a jolly good fellow like you understands how to make Nexis work. Do your own homework, and if you can refute what I posted, do it. It's not my opinion, though. It's just what the numbers are.

I have to admit, you lost me on the Waffle House thing. My understanding is that everyone they hire in management has to work all the jobs in the place, so you calculus lovers spend time scrambling eggs and washing dishes. There's no shame in honest work, but apparently some of you think regular labor is beneath you. Get off the high horse.

as for the examples of crumbling infrastructure around Atlanta that I noted, who else should I blame? Are you saying the self proclaimed preeminent engineering school in the south (which you actually are) didnt have anything to do with any of those projects? Or do all the jobs that go bad like that only employeed engineers from Auburn and Clemson?

you claim UGA has had "many, many more" flaws that GTU. That's your opinion, and you've demonstrated pretty thoroughly that you're pretty much impervious to actual facts or reason. Suit yourself. Believe whatever you like about us. We know what we are, and we know what you are.

And finally, Reggie Ball. Fine example of a GTU scholar. No wonder your fan base has so loyally stuck behind him. From what I can tell, your fan base has spent as much or more time mocking him than ours has. I'll say this for Reggie: he couldnt beat us (which puts him in fine GTU company. Keith Brooking, for one example, never beat us either, but you dont see nerds all turning on him.), but he did lead that sad sack program to wins over Auburn, Virginia Tech and Miami, and to 4 bowls.

Wait until this year's hope, the great and powerful Paul Johnson, trots that high school offense into Sanford Stadium this year. At least Reggie could keep it close.

your final, and no doubt, inevitable weak dig at the non-alumni portion of our fan base is laughable. We dont have to beg students at Georgia State or Perimeter College to buy tickets. We dont have to beg people who arent alums to support our program. We dont have to beg people who ARE alums to support our program.

GTU fans are as arrogant now as they were in the 50s, when GTU football was the only game in town in Atlanta. You had plenty of "sidewalk alumni" support then. Only problem now is that time has passed you by. UGA has owned you for almost 50 years, and it's only picking up speed from here. Get used to it.

Dont patronize me with your "best of luck except until November," either. We both know every UGA win will displease you, and any UGA loss (which wont come against you, naturally) will be a cause for your elation by proxy. Here's what I wish: that PJ and his high school offense gets its ass kicked every week until you play us, and that we ring up 100 on you.

blackertai said...

Reading this has been like a primer course on why they call it "old fashioned hate," although I don't think "clean" particularly suites it well.

Hobnail_Boot said...

Reading this just further enforces my feeling that Tech is not UGA's biggest rival.

Yes, it's fun to pick on the NERDS and laugh at their predictable hypocrisy; however, deep down we all know that we're going to beat them 8 out of 10 in football, every time at home in basketball, every time in the baseball postseason, etc.

That doesn't exactly breed any sort of deep contempt that is required on both sides to keep the truly great rivalries alive. For the vast majority of Dawg fans under 30, Tech is no higher than 3rd on the rivalry list.

Anonymous said...

If UGA is the 3rd best school, and Tech is the 1st best school, who is 2nd?

Anonymous said...

Several points along the way. Emory is a much better school than Gtu.

A.T. Barnes is a FRESHMAN at GTu. He was in the same recruiting class as Thomas Brown.

Gtu's athletic department is a flat-out joke. They are millions of dollars in debt and run like a mom and pop store. Our AD, on the other hand is one of the most successful corporations in the state.

Please, please, please would a Gtu fan tell me how many of their kids actually major in something besides Management or History of Science and Technology? I have lots of friends who went to Gtu, and the M-train cheating is a standing joke. I have heard all about how the football players "participate" in "group projects."

The fact of the matter is that Gtu would love to have the same players that go to UGA, but they cannot. And then all they do is hide behind the joke that is their academics which is mearly a ruse created by Bobby Dodd because he wanted to leave the SEC because he knew he would not be able to compete much longer.

I love to go the Stingtalk board. Every day, at least 2/3 of the topics there begin with something about UGA. It is really a pitiful existence they live. You would think that a group so superior would not need to spend all their time trying to think of ways to denigrate their enemy. Instead, you would think the superior group would take the tact of the UGA fan, which is to pretty much ignore the enemy until they post asinine thoughts on your board, and then to brush them off like the fly they are.

Anonymous said...

Emory is the best school in the state by a comfortable mile. Georgia Tech is a decent public tech school. Nothing more.

The average salary for Emory and even UGA law graduates outpaces any graduate school of Georgia Tech's. Tech graduates act like they went to a school on par with Harvard and MIT. That's just not the case.

Anonymous said...

If it shows up on Nexis, it must be true. You're never going to confirm a player's SAT scores, so that arguements a moot point. And Leonard Pope thinks that a good thing, assuming he could read this.

This "crumbling infrastructure" around Atlanta, referenced in the three projects:
- the midtown parking lot is being repaired by Tech grads (I know them)
- the Atlanta sewer system is nearly 100 years old, meaning it's about old enough to be replaced
- Not sure who designed the Olympic dorms. A Tech alum engineering firm fixed them why they were owned by Georgia State, and Tech bought the fixed product last year

Never said regular work was beneath me. After a few months the management trainee at Waffle House is moved to management. The one with the bulldog hat stays on the nightshift grill. Funny how you're the one that started by mocking Waffle House, but then comes out and tries to say it's honorable.

Oh, and the starting salary comment:

UGA Law School Class of 2006 - $78,756
Terry College of Business MBA Class of 2006 - $76,154
Emory Law School Class of 2006 - $78,169
Tech MBA Class of 2006 - $80,878
(Tech's MBA program has only been around for ~10 yrs)

The millions of dollars in debt comment is also hilarious. Both Tech and Georgia are "millions of dollars in debt." It is how facilities expansion is partially funded.

As for the Stingtalk reference and "the superior group would take the tact of the UGA fan, which is to pretty much ignore the enemy", this comment section started from an article about Tech on a Georgia board. That's weird that a "3rd best rival" would attract so much of your time and effort.

Anon 12:08 - I guess you could fill in "any other school in the state" as 2nd place. But seriously, Emory is a bit better than Tech, so we're two. Luckily Mercer isn't classified as a university, or you'd be fourth.

And every UGA loss does not displease me, nor should it. Both of our strength of schedules only improve when the other wins.

Anonymous said...

dude. You dont know when to quit, do you? You're boring me to death, but here's one nugget for you to consider.

Geez, If it shows up on Nexis, it must be true. You're never going to confirm a player's SAT scores, so that arguements (sic)a moot point.

It was widely reported in the AJC on all your hoops stars I noted below that they took MULTIPLE tries to make an 800 qualifying score. You cant make Nexis work for you, dont whine to me. Are you saying Kenny Anderson, Dennis Scott, Marbury, were "legitimate GTU students" based on barely scratching 400 in math? Fine. Tyrone Sorrells SAT score was widely reported, too. Do you think if he could have made higher than 600, he'd have been in developemental studies in the first place?

Logical arguments arent your thing. I hope you're really good at math, because writing isnt your thing, either.

Anonymous said...

Spelling master all school


Anonymous said...


Thanks for demonstrating the value of your Tech degree by correcting a typo in the comments section of a UGA Sports Blog.

Would you please get back to work, I'm still waiting for my Naked Dog Walking.

Anonymous said...

just so you all dont think I make stuff up, here are some thumbnails from the AJC stacks. Read them and weep, nerd fans. I forgot that your boys struggled to scratch 700, not 800. I'm sure they were all EE majors, but regardless of major (and they're allllllllllllll legitimate academicians at GTU, right?), no doubt they whizzed through calculus....with 700s on the SAT.

He who laughs last, laughs best. I'm laughing my red and black ass off now.

Forrest trying to make the grade
Prospective Tech forward hopes latest SAT will be high enough
Date: June 7, 1991 Publication: The Atlanta Journal and The Atlanta Constitution Page Number: G/11 Word Count: 512
Whether Parade All-America forward James Forrest qualifies to play for Georgia Tech this season hinges on his score from the SAT he took Saturday. Forrest, a recent Southside High graduate who this week received results from the SAT he took May 4, has yet to score the NCAA-minimum 700. Still, Tech coach Bobby Cremins says he's confident Forrest's final SAT score will be high enough. "I'll be shocked if he didn't make the grade this

Tech Signee Kenny Anderson Meets SAT Requirement
Date: February 26, 1989 Publication: The Atlanta Journal and The Atlanta Constitution Page Number: E/3 Word Count: 235
Georgia Tech basketball signee Kenny Anderson, considered the nation's most talented high school senior, has met the minimum Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) requirement for eligibility as a college freshman, Tech coach Bobby Cremins said Saturday. Anderson, who attends Archbishop Molloy High School in Queens, N.Y., failed on his first attempt last December to meet the NCAA requirement of a 700 SAT score. But he took the test again four weeks ago and "made it,"

Tech Signee Anderson Fails To Get 700 on First SAT
Date: January 25, 1989 Publication: The Atlanta Journal and The Atlanta Constitution Page Number: D/1 Word Count: 454
Georgia Tech basketball signee Kenny Anderson, considered the nation's most talented high school senior, failed on his first attempt to make the minimum Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) score required for eligibility as a college freshman, said sources close to Anderson Tuesday. Anderson, who attends Archbishop Molloy High School in Queens, N.Y., intends to take the test again in early spring. If he does not meet the NCAA requirement of a 700 SAT score, he will have other chances

Final SAT attempt gets Scott in Tech
Date: June 24, 1987 Publication: The Atlanta Journal and The Atlanta Constitution Page Number: E/3 Word Count: 407
Georgia Tech coach Bobby Cremins received good news Tuesday when it was announced that signee Dennis Scott, perhaps the nation's top high school basketball prospect, scored high enough on his final Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) attempt to qualify to play as a freshman. Because Scott had better than a 2.2 average in the core curriculum at Flint Hill Prep in Oakton, Va., he needed only a 680 on the SAT to qualify under the sliding-scale provisions of NCAA Bylaw 5-1-(j).

Tech Beat
Cremins awaits result of Scott's final try at SAT
Date: June 9, 1987 Publication: The Atlanta Journal and The Atlanta Constitution Page Number: E/2 Word Count: 725
Tom Whitfield
Georgia Tech coach Bobby Cremins was on top of the world in late March when he persuaded perhaps the nation's top high school prospect, Dennis Scott, to sign with Tech. The subsequent weeks have brought a nasty surprise: In his first two tries, Scott didn't get a high enough Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) score to qualify to play as a freshman under NCAA Bylaw 5-1-(j). "Sure, I'm concerned," said Cremins.

Anonymous said...

and here's the scoop on Tyrone Sorrells.....a 490 SAT. Beautiful.

DATE: August 10, 1986
PUBLICATION: The Atlanta Journal and The Atlanta Constitution
EDITION: The Atlanta Journal Constitution

Columnist Lewis Grizzard, who is a graduate of the University of Georgia asks Georgia Tech fans to get off his back about Jan Kemp until they can tell me how Tech enrolled an athlete in 1982 who made 490 on his SAT with a Projected Grade Index of 0.84.

Where did I get this? It came from the statement of Chancellor H. Dean Propst after an audit of Tech’s Developmental Studies program.
Lewis Grizzard

I am going on vacation. When I return the college football season will be upon us.

So, this, in the interim:

I have received literally hundreds of letters and calls from Georgia Tech fans over the past year. Many had to do with the fact Tech has defeated Georgia, my alma mater, in football two years straight.

Others had to do with the Jan Kemp affair.

“You dumb plowboy redneck, what do you thank sicof them moron Dawgs now?” wrote one Tech wordsmith.

“I know it’s sort of stupid to write a letter to a Georgia graduate,” began another. “Who’s going to read it to you?”

I don’t mind any of this. I even encourage it. Columnists who don’t get reaction to their columns wind up on the obit desk.

But what I do mind is this: Somehow, there is this myth about Georgia Tech. Tech’s fans believe it. Many in the media believe it.

The myth is that, by some magic, Georgia Tech is able to compete in intercollegiate athletics on a big-time scale and never, never bring in a single classroom loser.

I don’t care how Georgia Tech gets its athletes enrolled and I don’t care how intelligent or stupid they are, and no matter what Tech does or has done, it certainly doesn’t justify what Georgia did.

But it does justify my suggestion that Tech people get off my tail about Jan Kemp until they can tell me how Tech enrolled an athlete in 1982 who made 490 on his SAT with a Projected Grade Index of 0.84. Bet he, or she, was a whiz in calculus.

The statement is public record. You, too, can have one. Here are some other highlights:

• Georgia Tech has given special consideration to athletes in the admissions process. Said Chancellor Propst: “This is a serious concern to the board and to me.”

• Tech instructors often allow athletes to take “incompletes” on courses during the season they are active intheir sport. My word, special consideration giv en athletes by instructors at Georgia Tech.
Very few schools don’t help out their athletes. And they should.

• Between 1982 and 1984, the Harvard of North Avenue enrolled 29 athletes whose Predicted Grade Index was less than 2.0. This is a violation of University System policy.

The report of the audit on Tech was not big news. It lacked the sex appeal of the Kemp case, and I’ll drop that subject once and for all after this, if everybody else will.

I mentioned all this to a Tech booster. Said he, “Well, Tech doesn’t violate the rules nearly as much as Georgia does.”

And just one more thing before I seek the soothing effect of an ocean breeze:

A few months back a Tech athlete was quoted as saying Georgia people were jealous because they weren’t smart enough to get into Tech.

Long, long ago, I made 1100 and change on my SAT. Nothing brilliant, but what did you make on yours, big guy?

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