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March 13, 2008

Longest Tenured Coaches without a BCS Bid (2008 Edition)

Have you ever wondered....Who are the longest currently tenured coaches at a BCS Conference school that haven't guided their current program to a BCS bowl game? Well, I'm glad you asked. Last year, we published this list, and I wanted to take a moment to update it for 2008.

Here's the 2008 Top 10:
    1. Tommy Bowden (Clemson) - 1999
    2.(T) Mike Leach (Texas Tech) - 2001
    2.(T) Al Groh (UVA) - 2001
    2.(T) Greg Schiano (Rutgers) - 2001
    2.(T) Gary Pinkel (Missouri) - 2001
    6.(T) Jeff Tedford (Cal) - 2002
    6.(T) Bobby Johnson (Vandy) - 2002
    8.(T) Rich Brooks (Kentucky) - 2003
    8.(T) Mike Riley (Oregon State) - 2003
    10.(T) Sly Croom (Miss State) - 2004
    10.(T) Mike Stoops (Arizona) - 2004
Off the list this year:
    1. Houston Nutt - Arkansas' former coach previously held the #1 position having been with the Hawgs since 1998. However, his move to Ole Miss starts his clock all over again. Tom O'Brien of NCSU is in a similar situation. He started at Boston College in '97, but his move to the Wolfpack in '07 started his egg timer again.

    2. Chan Gailey - Chan was tied for 7th place last year, but his dismissal from Georgia Tech eliminates him from consideration.

    3. Mark Mangino - The Kansas Pretty Boy worked his way off the list via an appearance in the Orange Bowl.
Just off the list:
  • Jim Leavitt (USF since '96) and Randy Edsall (UConn since '99) are in purgatory for the purposes of the list. Both are entrenched at their schools, but neither has been in a BCS conference for very long. Edsall will probably make the list next year...if he's still at UConn.

  • Guy Morris (Baylor '03) and Karl Dorrell (UCLA '03) both missed by virtue of getting canned.

  • With a couple of terminations or break out season at the top of the list, you might find Steve Spurrier breaking the Top 10 of this prestigious gathering of coaching futility. Dave Wannstedt (2005), Greg Robinson (2005) and Ty Willingham (2005) are also aggressively stalking the list.
The Camel Club:
  • Phil Fulmer continues to rule this category with an iron fist. The Camel Club recognizes coaches who've "gone without" the longest. The Vols haven't been to a BCS game since their trip to the Fiesta Bowl following the 1999 season. No other active coach has tasted the thrill of BCS success followed by a longer dry spell than Fulmer.

  • Joe Tiller (Purdue) comes closest to Fulmer with his Rose Bowl appearance following the 2000 season.
How Long to Wait?
Every school's situation is different, but how long should a program give a coach before making a BCS game? Over the past 10 seasons, 36 different BCS schools have made BCS appearances. There are only 65 schools in BCS conferences.

ACC Teams*
Big 12 Teams
Big 10 Teams
Florida State
Virginia Tech
Wake Forest
Texas A&M
Kansas State
Ohio State
Penn State
Big East Teams*
Pac 10 Teams
SEC Teams
West Virginia
Washington St.
Oregon St.
Notre Dame
Boise State

*Note: Obviously, teams like Miami and VT moved from conference to conference. I could have listed them in both slots, but that's not really the point.

Any teams or coaches on that list surprise you? Did I overlook anyone?



Unknown said...

I think Bob Stoops should be in the Camel Club. He's been invited to several BCS bowls, but hasn't bothered to actually show up since 2000.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Syracuse, Stanford and Washington - ?????

When and what bowls did these teams participate in?

Anonymous said...

'99 Orange Bowl
Syracuse vs. UF

'01 Rose Bowl
Washington vs. Purdue

'00 Rose Bowl
Stanford vs. Wisconsin


Anonymous said...


'01 Rose Bowl
Washington vs. Purdue

What a horrible game

Anonymous said...

I think conference titles are much more important than BCS bids. IMO, at-large BCS bids are primarily popularity contests, and getting a BCS bid without winning the conference shouldn't give coaches a pass or congratulations.

Orange Bowl or not, Missouri and their division title is worth more than what Kansas accomplished, especially since Kansas (and UGa) "earned" their at-large bid primarily by sitting at home on Championship Sunday.

BCS at-large bids obviously mean you've had a good season, but the goal should be more than an at-large consolation prize.

Anonymous said...

One common denominator of most of the teams (maybe not Clemson) is that historically, going to any bowl is pretty rare. I mean, Vandy? Even MSU aside from the cheating Sherril years has mainly had lean times. Imo, Bobby Johnson and Rich Brooks are pulling rabbits out of hats just to stay where they are.

Anonymous said...

LMAO!!!! Good ole Tammy Bowden, a consistent loser.

And this is what those clemscum rednecks are paying over 2 mil for???

They bring new meaning to the term mediocrity.Is there any way we can distribute this to his recruits?

Here's a silver lining for you folks in orange: now that you've gotten rid of Ray Ray, maybe NOW you can manage to compete for the acc title. Idiots.

Anonymous said...

Ahh, the ACC. Thanks for giving us BCS viewers the chance to watch Maryland and Wake Forest. Not to mention some of those lousy mid-early-00s FSU squads.

IIRC, Stanfraud was the only Pac-10 team in the Top 25 in 1999.

Pitt '04 is, probably by far, the worst BCS team ever. Only Hawai'i '07 comes close.

TheFolkist said...

+1 for the conf argument...quite the ass backwards system we are running with the 'at-large' bids.

Anonymous said...

So how close have they come?

Bowden- Closest was last year, when Clemson choked away an ACC divisional title. Should be a favorite once again this year.

Leach- Not, won't.

Groh- Not, won't.

Schiano- Feel-goodish story of 2006, but imploded down the stretch. That'll be that.

Pinkel- B12CG last year.

Tedford- Finished a game out first in the Pac-10 in 2004. No one remembers because it was to USC.

Johnson- Not, won't.

Brooks- Not, won't. Last best chance was probably last year, and they finished in Nashville for the holidays.

Riley- Not, won't.

Croom- Not, won't.

Stoops- Not, won't.

Anonymous said...

Gary Pinkel got screwed last year - should've gotten the BCS bid but lost out to a team they had beaten.

Anonymous said...

"BCS at-large bids obviously mean you've had a good season, but the goal should be more than an at-large consolation prize."

It's very simple. Win the Big 12 championship, and you're in the national title game. But MU couldn't beat OU - twice.

Is there a bigger consolation prize than co-Big 12 North champions? Who wants a divisional trophy?

Unknown said...

This is way off topic, and maybe I'm simply stupid, but are there any audio recordings of Munson doing the 1981 Sugar Bowl (versus ND)? I just watched the DVD with Keith Jackson calling the shots on ABC, and that was magical in and of itself, but, to this day, I've never heard any audio-clips of "and there's Buck's first completion." Was our Munson even there?

And if any of you remember, Herschel, DID or no DID, was still the man - 4th quarter, we're running out the clock and a LB from ND licks him and licks him hard. A Greg Blue kinda hit, but Hersh, his head pops back, he stutters, but he he didn't go down. Not until two other Irish pansies can wrap him up. It's the best part of the game: "Whoooa, my goodness, what a hit, and he still needed help taking the horse down." (Keith Jackson, not entirely or exactly quoted accurately).

Anonymous said...

Responding to the post of Clemson "choking away an ACC title", I believe the last time UGA played BC they were defeated. But I guess Boston College just got worse, seeing as their qb was Matt Ryan, a heisman trophy candidate for two years if I'm not mistaken.

Anonymous said...

Bowden just sealed his fate by getting rid of RAY RAY.. Even with a joke of a schedule they will not win the ACC. Tommy Bowden is a false prophet. Recruits take notice.

Anonymous said...

A Clemson fan talking mess? Is Danny Ford back or something?

Anonymous said...

LMAO @ the Clemson fan trying to talk smack on a Georgia blog. Yeah, back when they were in the Big East and in Richt's first bowl ever. BTW, since you wanna bring up way back when, what happened the last time we played in your house? I mean that was at least since what you're trying to bring up and all, home game for you guys... IIRC, your precious rock didn't bring you much luck that night. Richt's gone to 3 BCS bowl games since what you wanna talk about, let's talk about what Tammy has done in that same span!


Exactly. Enjoy another 0 for November while wearing purple.

Anonymous said...

Andy - The Anti-Orange Page has sort of the audio download you're looking for. They have the highlight package, but it's not Munson.

He watched the game from a hotel room in NOLA. Broadcast rights at the time prohibited him from being in the booth.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone notice that no matter how crummy the Big [1]0 is, they always get 2 BCS bowls? These past 2 years, they've lost 4 BCS Bowls.

Cal in 2006-2007 and ASU in 2007-2008 both won the Pac 10 (tied with USC) but were not invited to a BCS Bowl. Illinois finishes third in the Big [1]0, gets invited to the Rose Bowl and loses by the biggest margin of any BCS Bowl this past season.

Anonymous said...

Funny thing about Ole Miss... since the SECCG began in 1992(I think... maybe 93) Ole Miss is the only team from the SEC West to never go to the game. Even Miss St. managed to make it one year.

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