My initial reaction to Billy's arrest on message boards was WTF? Why go through all of this hassle for a kid that blew a 0.02? That's basically just pinching him because he was underage and had 1 beer.
Well...according to police reports Billy didn't blow a 0.02. The Athens Banner Herald now says that they reported that information in error. According to their updated article with the correction:
When Humphrey was stopped on Georgia Highway 316 early Tuesday morning, his blood-alcohol content tested at .082 on the road and .129 later at the county jail, where he was booked on DUI and other charges, according to the officer's report. The Banner-Herald previously reported in error that Humphrey blew .02.I'm no liquorologist, but if your BAC is still rising when you got arrested then you went straight from the bottle to the road. Sigh.
That's not a "technicality underage bogus DUI." That's a grown up DUI. It's a DUI under the ultra strict modern .08 definition of DUI, and it's even a DUI under the old early '90s .10 to .12 definitions.
I like Billy the Player. Hell, I even have a photo of me and Billy after the SEC Tournament Championship with us standing side by side while he has the Georgia Tech basketball goal net draped around his neck.
As much as it pains me to say it, I can't fault Felton for dismissing Humphrey. This is his third arrest in roughly a year. It's no different than Richt sending Odell Thurman, Dana Graydon, Randall Swoopes or Akeem Hebron to Georgia Military College. Sadly for Billy, he doesn't have a Juco option. He's too old for that. He's going to need to find a place in a Div I-AA program where he can play immediately.
Billy is a smart kid and a good student. He gets his business done in the classroom. On the court, he tries hard and does a lot with what he's been given. But you can't stay in the papers like this. You have to be smarter and more careful than that.
What a complete and total bummer. I think Felton can be an overbearing hard ass. But I've got to agree on this one.
I'm not going to lie, my expectations for the upcoming season, minus Sundiata, were not that high anyways. Missing Billy? I'm guessing we'll be ok, if ok is about the same as last season (in a league with experienced young talent returning).
I don't even know what to say. I don't see how he could put himself into that situation. Let's just hope this is it for athletes with legal trouble for a while.
A shame, but...
Billy will always be a DGD for the way he finished the SEC tournament. He screwed up big, yeah, but he and we will always have that trophy.
Take care, Billy.
Um... there's no Division I-AA in basketball. So he'd have to go Div II (I guess?) and cannot play next year in Div I.
Georgia Basketball: Until something changes, nothing will change.
Actions have consequences. Some consequences are minor, some are major. This is a major one that will effect Billy for the rest of his life. I hope he will learn from it and not repeat.
Good luck Billy, we'll miss you.
Maybe Billy will be able to push Augusta State over the top for the Div II championship this year.... Good luck
Not good, for sure.
Looking back at the DF disciplinary record, there certainly was some ostentatious "I'm in charge here" stuff the first couple of years(Steve thomas, Toney and the bus, Sundiata's cartoon fiasco) where, depending on one's tastes in these things, DF certainly could have been described as an overbearing hardass.
On the other hand, those teams were essentially noncompetitive on a championship level, so if a coach was ever going to make some points, that was the time.
Since things got real, beginning with the Stukes incident at the end of the '07 season, up through last year's season opening suspensions and the various Billygate infractions, imo DF's hand has either been forced by UGA or AA policy and/or he has responded appropriately to conduct that is legitimately detrimental to the team.
Boy, that Mercer/Toney/Humphrey class -- what a bunch of knuckleheads.
Uga VI just passed away, per Ledger-Enquirer
Thanks for the heads up. Kit just texted me to let me know as well.
We'll have something up soon.
Back on the subject, there is no 1-AA in hoops, and I'd expect him to transfer. He's coming off microfracture surgery anyway, so why not take a redshirt year to recover 100%. I'd think if he can stay in conference, Auburn or South Carolina might be the choice, maybe Florida St or possibly a reuinion with Mike Mercer at South Florida.
Humphrey can play D-I basketball, he just would have to redshirt next year and he would be eligible to play next fall.
Well, Felton has finally HAD to get rid of the last thug he brought into UGA. I really believe that will be Felton's legacy. And by the way, the biggest pot-heads in Athens have all been dismissed from the team! Hallelujah
Hey Stick Jackson,
Toney was not in the class with Mercer and Humphrey. He was with Gaines. He and his father Andrew were smart enough to get out of Feltons hell hole. Mercer is lucky too. Felton let him go to a program that knows how to develope players and young men. Mercer is doing great and will do so this season. UGA will suck again. As long as Felton is coach.
Stick Jackson,
The only knucklehead things these guys did was come to UGA! If Felton was so pro player, why didnt he send Billy to Alcohol rehab the first time instead of giving him a one game suspension. You see he had a problem. But DF would rather him play to help save his sorry job. Felton is a scum bag.
Mercer never was arrested for anything, Felton was just frustrated because he did not know how to motivate him. Being a tyrant does not work with all players. DF needs to understand that this is not Western Kentucky. Every player is different. All this boot camp crap does not work with real players. DF will lose more players and will not succeed at UGA. Watch!
Why would anyone think Billy had a booze problem after his first booze arrest?
He blew a .03 during a jaywalking stop. That's hardly problem zone.
Because DF knew there was more to that than him blowing a .03. The fact that he is underage and drinking and walking the streets of Athens is enough. This kid never was a drinker. With everything that was going on with his team. Come on.
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