Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

June 8, 2008

Omaha Bound!

Rosenblatt Stadium - Omaha, Nebraska

I won't say I called it exactly, but I strongly hinted at this back in February. More on today's domination later. Paul was at the game, so I'm sure he'll have a full report soon. Awesome, awesome performance.


Westerdawg Update: Just got in. Best college baseball "vibe" I've witnessed in person. My favorite the 7th inning Georgia was up huge. The team was enraged by the NC State pitcher hitting Lyle Allen after Joey Lewis' home run in the 6th inning. Opening batter in the 7th is Peisel who homers for Georgia to make the lead 13-3. After a single by Olson, Gordon Beckham comes to the plate for what we assume is his last at bat in Foley Field.

The crowd rises for a classic Georgia salute and begins chanting "Let's go Gordo." Beckham steps out of the box to enjoy the moment every so briefly, and then launches a rocket ship home run. The crowd drops into pandemonium with a curtain call for Beckham. Now THAT is how you end your career.

See Also:PWD


Chris said...

GO DAWGS. Got some bats working this afternoon. Hope to see that firepower in Omaha.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I posted this over on the Dawgrun as well.
With our 4th trip to the CWS since 2001, UGA has now been to more College World Series' during George W. Bush's
presidency than Georgia Tech has been to during their entire history.

Additionally, unless Texas A&M advances (they lost game one to Rice
yesterday) UGA will be the only school in the CWS to make a bowl
game, appear in the Men's and Women's NCAA hoops tourney and make
the CWS.

How bout them Dawgs?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

"Like basketball, there is no reason that we can't be a consistent conference power, if not national power. Unlike basketball, though, the baseball team should make it to the postseason this year."

Sound familiar? We are definitely having our cake and eating it too. This is a definite Golden Age for UGA Athletics.

What a year... a CWS appearance, NCAA Tournament appearances (Women and Men), a Sugar Bowl Win, winning the SEC Tournament at Georgia Tech, a National Championship in Gymnastics, a NCAA Championship in Men's Tennis, a NCAA Championship in Equestrian, and an SEC Championship in Women's Tennis.

Anonymous said...

Damn it feels good to be a Dawg-ster!

Wonder how much of the next game ESPN will let me watch?

Hobnail_Boot said...

How sweet it is..

Hey don't forget that Ryuji Imada won the AT&T classic and Parvati Shallow won Survivor: Micronesia.

Hell, Danny Ware and Kawika Mitchell won Super Bowl rings.

Truly an astounding year so far.

Anonymous said...

Great game today. Thought throwing at Lyle Allen was a pretty pathetic move by NC State's pitcher though.

Barstool69 said...

Had a great view from the green house all game long. Amazing atmosphere up there. Outfield's "Your Love" got played about 50 times in a row in an attempt to show gratitude for Beckham's god-like feat.

Anonymous said...

To the people that went to the game how would you rate NC State's fans? Were they decent, or degenerates like Clemscum or Auburn?

Anonymous said...

NC State fans....

I thought they mostly seemed like parents. Generally, parents are cool. They just want to cheer for their kids and mind their own business.

The other NCSU fans were mixed in so tightly with the parents, it wouldn't have made much sense to get obnoxious.


Anonymous said...

Damon Evans is having a heckuva year.

There's not many AD's past or present who can say they've gotten to go support their teams at a major bowl, the NCAA basketball tourney, and the CWS all in the same year. Not to mention the success of other sports and the accounting books being in the black.


Anonymous said...

I'm from Raleigh. Hard to find an SEC equivalent to NCSU fans; they've got pedigree in basketball, but it's ages old. Never much of anything in the other major sports. They live hard, drink hard, apparently had a fondness for shooting at each other during tailgates, but aren't that brutal to opposing fans. Maybe a much much much much lighter version of South Crackolina fans? Hmm.

Anonymous said...

a-phiz, that pitcher was throwing all over the place before he hit the batter. I really think an up and in just got away from him. I can see being upset about it but I can't see blaming the pitcher. He probably should've been yanked already but given as how his replacement did, I can understand why he was put out there until he fell apart.

Andrew said...


I am living in Charleston for the summer. Yes, South Carolina, the state sandwiched in between the two states that were playing baseball in Athens. Yet, for some reason, ESPN forced me to watch the LSU game, but my friends in Columbia could watch the Georgia game. Does anyone know how/what/why this happens?

Thankfully, I could watch the game on my computer through ESPN 360, but still, very ridiculous of ESPN to do it this way.

Anonymous said...

Dante - Perno disagrees with you; read his interview on scout. And since I was there sitting above the dugout I can tell you that you're wrong. It was f@cking intentional.

That pussy ate it though - we answered back w/ 5 runs.

Anonymous said...

There was no way that pitch " just got away from him". It was a fast ball up that just happened to be thrown the pitch right after a big home run. Don't tell me that he missed with a fastball that badly. Anyway, great game by the dawgs. Let's hope they can keep this up away from Foley Field

Anonymous said...

Anyone who was in the first row or on the field knew it was intentional.

Anonymous said...

Okay, before you have to ask the question, "Have you cried over a Georgia Baseball victory"? Did yesterday. When Beckham jacked that second HR. What a storybook end to his days at Foley.

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