Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

September 3, 2008

Solid Dawg Video

Another "Heroes have graced the field before you" video. Good stuff by GDawgyDawg.



Anonymous said...


Now that's some old school video there. I still remember that punt block against Alabama in 1985. My dad and I jumped around the room like we had won the national championship. Unfortunately, Mike Shula broke our hearts just a few minutes later. Also, I have never seen that angle of the 2001 UGA-Tenn game. You can see how easy it was for Haynes to get open.

Nice job.

kc said...

I know that father-son jump...

great video...Go Dawgs!

Unknown said...

Chills...especially with the deep ball to MoMass last year against Auburn. I still remember that game like it happened yesterday.

Go Dawgs!

Anonymous said...

wow, very about some chills.

Anonymous said...

That is by far the BEST UGA football video I have ever seen. WOW!! What emotion! If you are not ready to play football after seeing that... then you have no pulse! I loved it!! GO DAWGS!!!

Unknown said...

Where can I go to save this video?

Unknown said...

I've watched this 6 times today. Best video I have ever seen.

Unknown said...

i fully montage hands down. Can I get a dvd copy? it'd be great to show that to the SO CAL dawgs before the games..get us extra rowdy!

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