Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

January 12, 2009

Buck Belue recovering from Bell’s Palsy

Per the AJC:
Buck Belue of 680/The Fan, said he has Bell’s Palsy, a paralysis of the cranial nerve. He’s not sure exactly when he’ll be back on the air but will continue to blog.
The AJC has more at the link above. Buck has more details on his blog. Hopefully a speedy recovery for a Damn Good Dawg.



Anonymous said...

WWF announcer Jim Ross, of "My Gawd, that's the Undertaker's music!" fame had the same thing.

He was out of action for part of a year before resuming work.

Half of your face can get sorta paralyzed/ droopy as a result.

Anonymous said...

Hurry back Belue! Kincaid on his own is a scary thought.

Anonymous said...

Get well Buck.

Anonymous said...

Get well, Buck.

And I hope he doesn't read comments comparing him to a friggin' wrasslin' announcer.

Anonymous said...

a pro wrestling championship is as legit as the CFB championship.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:20,

You are just trying to get people fired up. C'mon man, really?

Anonymous said...

From a Tech fan - get better soon Buck.

Crane said...

I really thought this was a joke at first. I thought he was making a jab at Mike Bell.

Anonymous said...

I think when Anon 10:20 wrote "CFB" he meant "Canadian Football." That would make the statement entirely correct.

Anonymous said...

I don't think he was comparing him TO a wrestling announcer, he was just making a point of reference.

A lot of people know who Jim Ross is.

Anonymous said...

I think when he said "CFB" he meant National Collegiate Athletic Association Bowl Championship Series Mythical National Championship, but that's a pain to type...

Anonymous said...

Get Well Soon Buck!

Anonymous said...

For most people, Bell's Palsy is no big deal, and they recover fully within a few months. I got Bell's Palsy about 7 years ago, and immediately went on Prednisone for about a month. I was completely cured in about two weeks (though Prednisone caused me to gain about 10-12 lbs).

However, for a smaller percentage of people, they do suffer from permanent paralysis of some sort.

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