All our best to Orie Lemon. May his recovery be swift and complete. We Dawgs, especially Jeff Owens, sympathize.
UGA 45 Austin Peay 0
UGA 41 South Carolina 17
UGA 43 Mizzou 29
UGA 38 Tenn 12
UGA 41 Vandy 13
LSU 36 UGA 13
UGA 36 UF 17
UGA 34 UK 17
UGA 27 AU 10
UGA 66 UMass 27
UGA 45 Tech 21
Boss Bailey and Trinton Sturdivant also send best wishes.
I hate that for him. When I was younger I might have been selfishly gleeful, but as I get older I realize these kids are trying to live out a dream. Hopefully he'll be able to get a medical redshirt...
I will bet dollars to doughnuts that Jeff Owens will seek out Mr. Lemon on the sidelines and give him a word or two of encouragement.
Jeff is a class act.
Best of luck to Mr. Lemon on a full and speedy recovery.
This pre-season is starting to sound eerily familiar.
Hyped program (most hype ever arguably). Players getting arrested in the offseason or leaving the team. ACL tears. Hopefully, the media will acknowledge this for OkSt. instead of saying they didn't live up to expectations if the season doesn't turn out that way. We definitely know how it feels.
I sincerely hope OkSt manages to go undefeated after this Saturday.
Best of luck, indeed, Orie. I will definitely keep you in mind Saturday. I hate to see that happen, as do we all. Get better, get back on track and enjoy your senior year in college. Regardless, GO DAWGS!
Good luck Lemon. And does anyone know any OKST blogs or Comments are. I just wanted to kind of get a feel of what they are thinking going in.
www.orangepower.com is one that i have seen
Yeah, I wouldn't wish this on anyone. Owens really should reach out to the guy.
All our best to this young man. Take this year, rehab, make the most of it, and good luck to a great 2010. Hate to hear news like this. Godspeed to him.
Orie, we're sorry you are hurt and we hope you have a complete recovery. We want you to have long, long, pain free use of your knees. We really feel bad that you can't fulfill your dreams this year by playing with your team. You've worked hard and this is a temporary setback. Win in life!
The rest of you OKST players can suck it! We're gonna pound the shit out of you mofos until you cry for TBone. OKST LB's- Watch out for our fullback. He's gonna knock your chin up in the air while one of our committee runs by you!
HVL Dawg
Well said. Well said.
Gotta feel for the kid. I would always prefer to beat a team full strength than benefit from an injury. Obviously the guy is a solid player -- the spread went from 6 to 5 after the injury news broke this evening.
Get better Orie. I think I can safely say that the whole Bulldawg nation hopes you fully recover and have a great year next year man.
Wow, have they had a crappy week or what.
Nobody felt sorry for us last year when we had season ending injuries. Sucks for the guy but it's football, it happens.
It does sound eerily familiar, Redcrake. I was thinking the same thing.
However, every team gets injuries and arrests. It is just that when it is "your" team, you notice it. When it is someone on your schedule you might notice it. When it is a team getting a lot of notice, it is more widely reported.
I would love for Ok State to go 12-1 (I have a soft spot as I was very close to going to grad school there a long, long time ago until I got a better financial package from another school).
looks like orangepower.com is getting slammed. All 42 fans are hitting the site at once, plus us.
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