Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

August 10, 2015

Waitin' Since Last Saturday podcast

We've been working on this for a few of weeks, hopefully it will be something you will enjoy. Clearly, with the parties involved you can count something insightful or at least some humor here and there.

Scott Duvall is a DGD and co-host, with his wife Jenny, of the Making It Up As We Grow podcast. He's is a natural behind a mic and with editing software. Will Leitch is one of the best writers of our generation. I'm psyched to work with both of them.

You can subscribe on iTunes and SoundCloud, as well as places like Podcast Addict. I'll also try to get it posted here the day after we drop it. We will be dropping in a full episode sometime this week. I hope you enjoy it. If you do, please don't forget to give us comments and ratings at iTunes.


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