Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

June 23, 2007

GT Legends: We're Slashing Prices!!

I'm shocked that Tech didn't sell out their allotment of Reggie Ball jerseys. Shocked I tell you! Consider the perfection of this photo:
    1. Reggie's jersey is 50% off. Tech fans think he has half a brain.

    2. Reggie can't count to four. Figuring out the 50% discount on his jersey would be like splitting atoms for him.

    3. Reggie's old jersey right next to Marcus Vick's #3. A couple of gentleman scholars right there.
The subtle humor here...this was sent to me by a Tech fan.



Anonymous said...

I could be wrong, but that looks more like Darius Walker's green ND #3 jersey (talk about a kid who made a GENIUS career decision).

Darius isn't on Reggie BaLLLL's level as a game day decision maker, or Marcus Vick's level as a problem child, but I'm guessing his gear will be in the shipments received in third world countries where it will be sold for about 10 cents an item.

I doubt even Reggie's mom wants any of the mustard colored GTU gear. All his leftover stuff at home is probably going into the next burn pile.

Anonymous said...

Damn, all school, you're making me feel old. I saw that and wondered why they were selling Rick Mirer jerseys.

Anonymous said...

marcus vick wore #5 dipshit

S.A.W.B. said...

Dear Anonymous,
Marcus Vick isn't the impetus of the joke. Thank you for playing.

Dan said...

This is awesome. The new place is running low on TP as it and now I don't have to drive out to CostCo to restock.

S.A.W.B. said...

I'd be wary of using the Reggie Ball #1 jersey's for anything than cleaning up #1's, Dan. Anything higher, and it might not go where you're intending it to...

/yes, i just went there...

Anonymous said...

Is that Quincy Carter's jersey on the same rack?

Anonymous said...

Looks like there's also a red and black #28.

I wonder who that could be?

Anonymous said...

Dear Anon 7:35 pm:

whoever he was, he was undefeated against Reggie BaLLLL, dog.

Astronaut Mike Dexter said...

At first I figured they were cutting 25 to 50 percent off the amount they would give YOU to take it off their hands.

I think all school is on to something -- I read an article in the New York Times the other day about how they always print out "Super Bowl Champions" T-shirts for both teams, and they keep the shirts for the teams that win and send the rest to poor communities in Africa. I wonder if some kid in Sierra Leone will one day be able to wear a Reggie Ball jersey over his "Georgia Tech 2006 ACC Champions" T-shirt.

Anonymous said...

It's funny that you would bother to take a picture and write a blog about this, don't they discount jerseys every year? And whose red jersey is that right beside Reggie's that you conveniently decided not to mention.

Where is my Paul Oliver jersey?

Anonymous said...

I didn't take the picture.

A GT blogger did.

82 said...

Your Paul Oliver jersey is in Calvin's jock strap....

Anonymous said...

If you honestly think Paul Oliver was the one that kept Calvin from destroying your precious pups rather than ood ol' #1, you're just dumb enough to be a pup fan.

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