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July 11, 2008

Howard and Zeier call The Celebration

I love Eric Zeier's reaction to realizing that this was all planned.
"Well, let me tell you. I've got goose bumps over my entire body. I hope we do that every time we punch it in the end zone." - Zeier
I thought Scott Howard did a rock solid job last season. Zeier was sort of all over the place, but I think he earned his pay with this call alone. Hearing it through Howard and Zeier's eyes and also Buck Belue (CSS), gives you an even greater appreciation for the job that Gary Danielson and the CBS crew did with the game. Folks can bitch about their Tebow love affair, but Danielson nailed the situation immediately as planned.

File Uploaded by ugahairdawg's.


PS - Give the file an extra second to load. I linked to the high quality version of the file.


Anonymous said...

I live for images like those at 2:29-2:34.

The more we can make Urban look like that--and NOT incur 30-yard penalties--this year, the better.

Anonymous said...

As I think I've said here before, Loran got whoever was supervising the officials a few minutes later. One of the jobs that guy has is to write down every time an official drops a flag, whether it's picked up or not. Loran said the guy told him it was the first time he ever wrote down that all seven officials threw their flags.

I'm surprised the head linesman, who flagged Sturdivant for the dance, still had his left to throw.

Anonymous said...

Buck Belue sounds like an IDIOT on the CSS replay.

Of course, that is nothing new.

Anonymous said...

Is this the greatest penalty in the history of Georgia football?

Anonymous said...

Several things. First, it gives me chills everytime I see this footage. Second, the expression of Urban Myer and the Florida bench was priceless. We just popped them in the mouth and they didn't know how to react! Third, the smile on Coach Richt's face is priceless. And fourth the Florida chumps trying to do the same thing without leaving their bench area.

Damn this season can't start fast enough!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and finally, Florida has spend the ENTIRE off season preparing for our game this year. I'm praying the Dawgs are going to be ready for it. If we can hit them in the mouth again this year, we'll own them for the next several years.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Pen Wagers looked like a kid at Christmas when he made the announcement.

Anonymous said...

I can't get enough of Tebow's expression at :27

And don't forget to read CMR's lips at 1:59:
"That was a fu**ing message!"

Unfortunately, this also planted the seeds of hate deep within Penn Wagers which came to fruition during the Auburn game.

Anonymous said...

Did that effing moron Wagers say "try that!" after he announced the penalty? Get tae eff ya basturt.

Anonymous said...


He didn't say "try that." He said "try down." As in there wasn't a down number since it was an extra point try following a touchdown.

If he had said "try that" on national TV he wouldn't be working for the SEC any more.

Anonymous said...

Fisheries that's good to know. A pity he didn't really say it, then. But he can still gtf.

Anonymous said...

I was in a bar in Boston, MA sitting next to another UGA grad (she came in looking for the game).

My first thought was that he had not scored--the goal line and the white paint in the endzone made it hard for me to tell when it was live and I did not see one of the officials raise his hands for a TD.

So when the team rushed onto the field I was thinking "Shit, we did not score and now we are going to be 4th and goal from the 18". (The penalty for the dancing was not obvious at the start).

On a tangential note, players have got to quit this reaching the ball out like that.

It also gave UF a very short field. Good thing UGA won or else it would have been one of the worst moves since Hitler would not release the tanks on June 6th.

Anonymous said...

for the first time, I just noticed what Brannon did to save that touchdown. He rolls into the endzone knocking UF's #16 off his feet as he was reaching to grab the ball from Knowshon. Nice move Brannon. Damn, I'm gonna miss that kid when he leaves.

Anonymous said...

Sturdivant's dance isn't actually why we got the extra penalty.

As Velasco and Moreno were walking away towards the sideline (after the initial penalty), they used imaginary cameras to take pictures of each other as they posed. That was what they had planned to do originally for the celebration before the defense joined them.

The refs caught that, and they penalized them for it.

It all happened right in front of IronChefTurducken. David Ching talks about it here.

IronChefTurducken's photo is here.

Everyone just thinks it was Velasco because of the CBS coverage.

Anonymous said...

I do not believe for one second CMR said that was a message. Are you a lip reading expert? He very well may have said freaking. But I zoomed in and watched over and over and I just don't see it. I would be shocked and dissappointed if CMR used that kind of language. In fact players have stated that he doen't curse.

Anonymous said...

skidawg1985.... please never compare CMR and Hitler again. That is just stupid.

Anonymous said...

Actually it's ok because Skidawg1985 compared Evil Richt to Hitler, not Regular Richt.

Anonymous said...

At 1:59, Richt says, "Let's have some fun."

And then begins addressing someone on the headphones.

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