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July 11, 2005

Boise State Preview -- 81Dog

"It ain't braggin' if you can do it"
By: 81Dog

Whither Boise State, the opening course for the UGA Bulldogs this fall? It's in Idaho, which practically makes them Canadians. Why are BSU fans so sure their team is going to win? Tom Cruise has a better chance of riding the mothership back to Xenu, if you ask me.

Boise's Mascot Gears Up for the Liberty Bowl
Here are a few simple reasons your humble correspondent is breathing easily as he comtemplates this matchup....

Boise is about 2,800 feet above sea level. This is about 1,800 feet higher than Athens, or about the same as the 600 level (aka The Tech Deck) at Sanford Stadium. Visiting Smurfs, don't mind the sweltering humidity, which you can easily recreate in Boise by locking yourself in a steam bath for a couple of weeks. It'll be worse at field level.

[Above: Boise's Mascot Gears Up for the Liberty Bowl. Click to Enlarge.]

BSU's student body is about half the size of UGA's. This is an ironic coincidence, since their team is probably about half the size, and possesses about half the speed, of UGA's team. BSU fans see no problem here, but in a high impact collision sport, optimism is likely to bow to physics in a pretty big hurry. It's one thing to be optimistic, but it's something altogether different to be contemplating the human eclipse that is Max Jean-Gilles headed your way on the toss sweep.

Our occasional Big Ten bowl opponents always talk big, too. Anyone remember the last time a Big Ten team beat the Bulldogs? Sure, BSU has a plan. So did Iowa. So did Ohio State. As that noted philosopher, Mike Tyson, once said (just before he faded into Bolivian), "Everyone has a plan until they get hit in the mouth."

Finally, Fighting Potato Heads, speak not about how hard working or well coached you are. No doubt you are both, but hard work only beats talent when talent doesn't work hard. UGA is more talented, and the Dogs work as hard as anyone. BSU may be the Broncos, but UGA has the horses.

Forgive the lack of southern hospitality, BSU fans, but UGA wins going away.

Posted by 81Dog for the Georgia Dawg Blog

(PS: Our team is fully aware of your blue turf dream.)


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