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October 12, 2006

Gov. Perdue to call in the National Guard

"After a headline that will live in infamy, I ask the National Guard to invade the Atlanta Journal newspaper." -- Sonny Perdue

Gov. Perdue, fresh off his complete waste of time, pandering, do nothing, blow hard, self indulgent, whinefest highly important letter writing campaign to tell the Atlanta Journal what a bunch of losers they are, announced today that he will be sending in the National Guard to take control of the Southeast's grand old rag.

The paper forced his hand after having the audacity to allow Mark Bradley to state that Tech has a better football program right now than Georgia.

Sonny's Do List got a little longer.

(Note: The absurdity of the Governor wasting his time to bitch about headlines in the sports pages, no matter how valid his opinion, both belittles his office and serves as a great distraction. It should've been beneath him. Unfortunately, it wasn't. And yes, I voted for him last time.)

Paul Westerdawg
War Correspondent
Georgia Sports Blog


Anonymous said...

I agree that it's below the office WesterDude. But you know what, we live in a state where the biggest political issue of the last decade is the state flag. Given the ignorance of the voters, I think that the letter to the editor was one of the most deft political moves of Perdue's career. He managed to tout the Dawgs and slam the 'pinko' AJC at the same time, brilliant!

He's pushing his luck by taking this thing further than the letter, though. The letter could be looked at as a reader who was concerned. Something Sonny was doing in his free time on a Sunday night. Now, it's an agenda. And he's looking like a jacka**.

Anonymous said...

I agree first time I heard about it and read the letter I am like what a brillant move. He has just received a bunch of free pub and reminded the Bulldawg Nation (which is substantial compared to Tech) that he is a Dawg. He should let it die off now not continue on.

Dawgnoxious said...

If Sonny Perdue really cared about the University of Georgia he would have eradicated that cancer Michael Adams. But he reappointed Don Leebern to the Board of Regents because he wanted Leebern's cash for his re-election. I'd take all the bad headlines in the world to get rid of that preening autocrat Michael Adams.

I don't care what is on his Sonny Do list; his Sonny Done list is empty.

Anonymous said...

Waste of time?! HA. All he's doing is securing votes all across the state by making it known he's a bulldog guy. Will it probably work? You're Goddamn right it will, for the same reason should Herschel ever choose to run for election in this state, he'd win by a LANDSLIDE.

Anonymous said...

Noxious, you're missing the point. This isn't about caring about the University of Georgia, it's about caring about the Dawgs.

He's not pandering to UGA alumns or others who care about the SCHOOL, he's pandering to those who care about the FOOTBALL TEAM, whether alumns or just regular fans.

This type of stunt doesn't effect people who care about what is good for the University, it effects those who think that this state needs a Gov who'll stand up to the 'Yankees' at the AJC for badmouthing the Dawgs.

Darth Scooter said...

Does anyone else get sick of Sonny's constant reminding everyone that he once played for Dooley. From the way he talks you'd think he was an All-American on the national championship team instead of a walk on. Hell I served drinks at a Dooley party once while I was in college maybe I should make that my campaign slogan and run for the State Senate.

Anonymous said...

"The absurdity of the Governor wasting his time to bitch about headlines in the sports pages, no matter how valid his opinion, both belittles his office and serves as a great distraction."

Yeah and the other day Sonny was taking a dump and wiped one extra time just to be sure. What a time waster! He could've been feeding the homeless instead of still sitting on the toilet. On top of that, he wasted perfectly good tp. He has sullied the good name of the state of Georgia.

Wasting his time? Nobody is as effecient as they can be at their jobs and most don't have a 24/7 position like governorship. While I wouldn't recommend his course of action because it makes him come off as a bit of a crybaby, time wasting would be the least of my concerns here. Sometimes the Governor does things that aren't directly related to governing the state of Georgia. It happens. That is not an absurdity.

"But you know what, we live in a state where the biggest political issue of the last decade is the state flag."

For what it's worth, I'm not particularly happy with Sonny but if he does win reelection, at least we can put this sort of nonsense to rest once and for all. Like most modern issues dealinng with race relations, there is a very vocal minority on each side here. Most people don't really care one way or the other. I'm glad we got rid of the Denny's placemat but Sonny breaking a campaign promise to the flag folks is not something that's going to have a significant impact on this election (though they will try to take credit if Sonny is ousted).

"He's not pandering to UGA alumns or others who care about the SCHOOL, he's pandering to those who care about the FOOTBALL TEAM, whether alumns or just regular fans."

Which is a smart move. There are tons of UGA football fans who don't care one bit about the school. If you're going to pander, at least target as big an audience as possible.

And on a final note, at least he didn't write to the NCAA and request the Tennessee game be stricken from the record.

Anonymous said...

Paul, did you vote for Sonny, or like many others in this state, simply vote AGAINST Barnes?

Chances are, Sonny's opponent will get the same advantage as he got last election, where several voters aren't going to vote for you, they are voting against your jackass and obviously incompetent for the job opponent.

Anonymous said...

My favorite part of this whole debate is the fact that virtually no one (even non-UGA fans) has disagreed with the content of Sonny's letter - the debate has been about whether or not he should have written the letter.

Astronaut Mike Dexter said...

Well, I disagree with the content of Sonny's letter. In every football game, one team wins and one team loses. To hear Sonny tell it, the AJC is hurting the self-esteem of the Bulldogs and the state of Georgia by saying that Georgia lost. WTF? Should the AJC headline should've been "Dawgs come in second place"?

Even if Sonny was only trying to shield the Dawgs from the slings and arrows of the big bad newspaper rather than simply pander for votes, he'd still be making all of us in Bulldog Nation look like a bunch of thin-skinned little sissies. Somebody needs to tell him that the Bulldogs are a group of grown men who don't need the governor rushing to their rescue every time he's afraid their delicate fee-fees have been hurt.

Anonymous said...

I think the reason no one is mentioning the content of the letter is because it is ridiculous. EVERY fanbase is full of folks who think the hometown paper is against their team.

Ask Tech fans what they think of the AJC sports section. They'll say that the AJC is all UGA all the time. That tells me they're calling it down the middle.

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