Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

October 12, 2006

Gov. Perdue to call in the National Guard

"After a headline that will live in infamy, I ask the National Guard to invade the Atlanta Journal newspaper." -- Sonny Perdue

Gov. Perdue, fresh off his complete waste of time, pandering, do nothing, blow hard, self indulgent, whinefest highly important letter writing campaign to tell the Atlanta Journal what a bunch of losers they are, announced today that he will be sending in the National Guard to take control of the Southeast's grand old rag.

The paper forced his hand after having the audacity to allow Mark Bradley to state that Tech has a better football program right now than Georgia.

Sonny's Do List got a little longer.

(Note: The absurdity of the Governor wasting his time to bitch about headlines in the sports pages, no matter how valid his opinion, both belittles his office and serves as a great distraction. It should've been beneath him. Unfortunately, it wasn't. And yes, I voted for him last time.)

Paul Westerdawg
War Correspondent
Georgia Sports Blog
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