My first thought was that poor Cate needs someone to supersize a Big Mac combo for her, but then I wondered if her emaciated self would have enough strength to chew, much less swallow, solid food. My next thought was that she looks like some kind of mutant bird....almost emu-like, you might say.
This, of course, got me thinking about the other currently famous member of the Emu Family, one Jimmy "no one in my family has ever started a win versus UGA" Clausen.
Cate Blanchett has just as many wins over UGA, SEC titles, and significant victories over top 10 teams as anyone in the Clausen family. Although she appears to be able to slide herself under a door, she at least has had a successful movie career.
While I know that in the avian world, the male is supposed to be the one with the colorful look, I guess it wouldn't be the first thing the Clausens have gotten ass-backwards.
As a good Irish Catholic kid, I loved ND football growing up. I cheered for Joe Theisman against Texas. I pulled for ND in their match ups with Alabama (which annoyed the hell out of my SEC loving friends, especially when ND won against the favored Tide two bowls in a row). I pulled for Joe Montana, who may still be my favorite non-UGA player. I had no problem pulling for UGA against ND in the Sugar Bowl, incidentally. It was just business, right?

(Image: Clausen hatches helmet)
The guy is no doubt a talented offensive mind, but he seems kind of unjustifiably pompous considering that they haven't won any big games since he arrived, including beat downs in bowls. The best game they've played in the Weis era was the first loss to Southern Cal (which I admit is one of the best games I've ever seen); if moral victories are all you can point to as proof of your accomplishments, you might want to consider acquiring a touch of humility.
The marriage of Emu Clausen and Charlie Weis seems perfect to me. Two humongous egos that, between them, have racked up an impressive list of accomplishments at ND. It may make me a bad Irish Catholic, but it is my fond wish that the current status quo remain in effect for the rest of young Emu's career.
By: 81Dog (AllSchool)
See Also:
-- Four Horsemen and a Jackass - GSB
Come on...cut Casey a little slack. I know he was a favorite UGa whipping boy, but he did win twice in Gainesville and his teams won the East in 2001 and 2003 (tied with UGa and UF).
And he only played meaningful minutes v. Uga twice, and in 2001 played extremely well.
Is a home team ever going to win another game in this series?
I would speculate she's so thin right now because she's filming a movie where she plays Bob Dylan.
Anon 10:06, I'd cut Casey some slack if it wasnt for his unfortunate show of hubris the year he had to sit out the game in Athens. You will recall, no doubt, his hilarious boast that if HE'd been playing, UT would have won because he could beat us even with only one good arm.
To answer your parting question: not this year.
As for wg, she looks more like a redheaded Keith Richards in drag to me, but that's just an opinion.
Check out this link. That price is a bargain compared to the entertainment value of that jersey. Just priceless! LOL
Rereading the comments to the linked "Four Horsemen and a Jackass" post was quite an experience. The only twinge of regret I feel comes from knowing they probably won't have the balls to pop back up if Clausen completely implodes this year.
I agree Casey made some unusual comments to the media from time-to-time, but his comments following the 2002 Uga game may not have been that far off. It was an 18-13 loss with true freshman James Banks just running around with no idea what play had been called. Could an experienced junior QB have made up those 5 points? Certainly possible.
We'll see about this year. If Ainge is healthy TN has a good chance. If Ainge was healthy and it were played in Athens then the Vols would be a mortal lock.
One of my cousins actually played with lil' Clausen at OC.
I certainly don't like either one of his brothers because of the ties to UT, but I sure am thankful they decided to attend the University of Tennessee.
Clausen's committment process was obviously a little over the top. If I were him, I sure would like to take back that entire process and perhaps learn from a little bit of the Lord's humility, so to speak. Youthful exurberance can often appear to others as arrogance.
And the comments from the Four Horseman post only reinforce my belief about Thousand Oaks. Anyone who comes to a Georgia blog and starts spouting off about how "maybe stretch limos aren't normal in the Midwest, but they are here in Thousand Oaks" has gotten way too freakin' full of themselves.
Thanks, we get it. You're better than us because you're from Thousand Oaks, CA, a city best known in the Southland for its superlative Auto Mall. Congratulations.
Anonymous@3:54, it's equally likely that Richt would've called a much less conservative game plan (on both sides of the ball) against UT in 2002 had Clausen been in there, knowing that they would've actually been able to score some points.
I think this question was emphatically put to bed the following year, when a perfectly healthy Clausen led a more talented team (finished 10-3 vs. the previous year's 8-5) and got flat-out humiliated in his own stadium. Face it, Clausen peaked in the '01 upset of Florida and really failed to do anything else of note.
The only game a Clausen played well in a Tennessee uniform was the upset of LSU on a 5-6 team. Truly, that was a heroic game in which Clausen fumbled his way to a victory over a team that by all rights should have steam-rolled UT (and set up an even funnier 4-7 year). Even his brother's victory over Florida was not has hilarious as the return victory over the Bayou Bengals, because in what universe did anyone truly believe that his transfer to UT from LSU would result in him winning a game against his original team?
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