This is not what I've done.
Have you ever cried after a UGA win? And if so, how about telling us which game(s) in the comments area. The only ones I remember actually shedding multiple tears afterwards were Auburn 2002 and UT 2000. I was a basket case immediately before and after the Michael Johnson catch, but not like the photo above. I promise.
Note A: Shedding a tear pre-game during the Battle Hymn Solo happens to many a man. I think that's mainly because of all the construction at Sanford Stadium...you know those paint fumes can really make a dude's eyes water. So that doesn't count.BTW -- I can only confess to hearty man tears. Not chick tears. If you're a woman and you cry after a UGA win, those are still man tears. If you have in fact sobbed openly after a win, you might as well come clean and confess...your tailgate buddies are only going to rat you out anyway.
Nor have I done this.
Note B: If you cried after a UGA loss, I don't want to know anything about it. That's between you and your husband / day care supervisor.
So fess up! Poll is over on the right.
See Also:
-- When is it ok for a man to cry - I don't make the rules
-- Can a man cry - Urban Grounds
-- This is not an acceptable type of crying - YouTube
I also may have, kinda sorta, shed a tear after the Michael Johnson catch. I absolutely jumped up and yelled loud enough to wake up my oldest son who was about 8 months old at the time. But I definitely had a couple or tears running down my cheeks after the "P44 Haynes" play at UT in '01 , better known as the hobnail boot catch. I guess being at this game was the emotional nudge that pushed me over the "girly man" edge.
There must be something about that Auburn game. I still get misty-eyed when I hear Munson screaming.
I have to admit to shedding a tear or two after the 2003 Sugar Bowl win over FSU. Not necessarily the biggest win of the year, but it was my last game as a student and as a Redcoat. Hearing the Battle Hymn following the game with the fans still going wild in the stands is something I'll keep with me until the day I die.
Well...i haven't cried. But, During last years FLA game I screamed myself into dizziness and dang nearly made myself passout. It was right after Mikey scored. Picture a grown man running through the house screaming like little girl, then nearly passing out from lack of air. LOL.
I shed a tear after Shockley won the SEC championship just thinking how that kid put up with so much from fans over his first 3 years. But stuck around to play one year instead of transferring and playing 2 years. Then he wins the MVP and SEC. That is what football is about.
Yea, I've cried. Alright guys/gals please no flaming. I go to the University of Florida for graduate school but have two degree's (undergrad and masters) from UGA. I love the Bulldawgs, bleed red and black, and hate the Gaytors. Sitting in the stands next to band after the UGA/Fl game last year listening to them play was just to much for me, knowing that I have that win to hang over every Fla fan's head(s) this year including my fiance.
First of all, your pictures are all of children crying while their team is LOSING. That's weak sauce...and misleading. ;)
Anyway, I balled after the Florida game last year. And i remember crying after 56-49. Oh, and i shed a few tears at halftime of both the 05 SECC game and the 06 Auburn game. Those were 2 beatiful games...
I never cry after losing. I drink.
"Yea, I've cried. Alright guys/gals please no flaming."
Looks like you're the one who's flaming, crybaby. -ZING!-
I'm not a tears of joy kind of guy myself. If I didn't well up for finding out my premature son's lung treatments were finally starting to work, I just don't see it happening over a football win no matter how important.
I have been known to shed tears of sorrow. Like when a loved one passes away or when Optimus Prime or the second dog in Where the Red Fern Grows died. Even then, not over a football game.
dante, "no flaming" was for the next few sentences about me going to school at UF.
I remember watching the '80 FLA game at my sister's house. I was 9 years old, lying on the floor on my belly, alone. It was late in the 4th and everyone else had given up on the Dawgs, but I stayed the course. I remember that I was sick of the thought of losing...physically ill, I'm telling you! Then I look up, tears of sadness welling up in my little eyes, then I see Buck scrambling for his life and our national title hopes. He hits Lindsay across the middle and my heart stops...even at 9 y/o I was thinking that it was a bad idea to throw to the middle of the field...then Lindsay took over. Yes, I had the volume on the TV down and was listening to Larry, as was the tradition around our house. When he crossed into the endzone I ran around the house like a little kid, which I was, screaming, "WE WON!!!, WE WON!!!!" And those tears of sadness were overcome with tears of joy and came flowing like a river!!
Today I'm a grown man with kids of my own, so I can pretty much cry at anything at the drop of a hat (most dads know what I'm talking about). I was in Neyland when Verron caught the TD from D. Greene and that brought 'em back as well. Nothing wrong with crying if it's about passion. If you stub your toe and shed a tear, your a pansy, though!
The Florida game in '97. I had accepted that we were never going to beat them again in my lifetime, so when Robert Edwards turned the corner on a sweep in the 4th quarter and went 37 yards for the score (and Hines Ward blocked about 8 Gators on the play), I sort of lost it.
Closest I came was 2002 SECC. It had been so long since the last one and having suffered through the '90's, it was an awesome feeling in the dome as the game ended.
When Tim Jennings returned the pick for a TD to put us up 31-7 over LSU in 05, I let it flow! Remember, they were supposed to kill us.
Evil Richt made me start crying now!
Also 2002 (2003 actually) in New Orleans when the team ran through the banner at the Sugar Bowl.......Finally.
Let me preface this by saying (a) I'm a HUGE crybaby who has no prob shedding the occasional man tear - like when watching Brian's Song, Old Yeller, or the last episode of Band of Brothers and (b) the game result was not the entire reason why, but we did win the game.
During the Boise State game I was sitting behind four girls. Two of whom went to high school with Martrez Milner and two of whom went to school with DJ Shockley. They all had buttons on with pics of DJ and Martrez. They were asking me and my friends who players were, asking us to explain calls, and just generally chatting us up.
When Milner caught his first TD ever, these girls lost it. They started absoutely balling and sobbing. They were so happy for him and they were hugging and crying. It was so amazing that I got caught up and a lil' guy snuck out of my eye.
Also during that game (DJ's first as a starter) when DJ would mess up you could actually hear mumblings about how much we'd stink without David Greene or how DJ would never be any good. Wow - I almost forgot about that, but yeah, people were actually quite down on him real early on.
The two girls who were DJs friends started yelling at people who would say something bad. By the end of tha game, they were the most popular people in the section as DJ had one of the greatest games ever by a UGA QB. When he scored his last TD those girls lost it. Another lil' guy snuck out.
Normally when any female cries, I instantly get uncomfortable. But this time I was blown away. Here were four people so happy for their friends and fellow Bulldogs that it turned them into blubbering fools. By the end of the game these girls looked like they had been pumped full of estrogen and forced to watch ''The Notebook'' on a continuos 24 hour loop. After the final score, they hugged all my friends and then lost it again. A final guy snuck out.
I know its not exactly what you asked for PWD, but i was my only example...
I am a big crybaby when it comes to the Dawgs, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. I tear up before virtually EVERY home game during Battle Hymn and when the Dawgs run out through the banner. I think I'm just ridiculously geeked up at that point, and my emotions are all over the place. Never uncontrollably sobbing, just "there's something in my eye, and I'm going to cover it up by stomping my feet and hollering a lot."
Specific games I remember tearing up over (and I'm 34, to give a reference point):
- Auburn '96 - It had just been a long time since we had a "significant" win
- Florida '97 - obvious
- UT 2001 - again, obvious...this one still gets to me
- Auburn 2002
- SECC 2002 and 2005
- Auburn 2006 - I have an excuse for this one...one of my best friends had passed that week, and this was the day of his funeral. I remember thinking he probably had something to do with this one.
- Tech '06
- when the team took the field for Auburn last year, I was certifiably off my rocker.
- UF 2007
Sorry for the lengthy post...these are just a lot of great memories!
Wow. Before watching that pillow-fight video, I never realized how nice the GTU dorm rooms are.
Not sure if it counts, but I cried during the '04 LSU game when the really drunk guy in front of me turned around after Fred's 2nd TD and proceeded to high five me square in the nuts.
For purposes of the poll, I chose 'no'. Y'all are a bunch of sissies.
1980 Sugar Bowl ... 'nuff said. And, I'll cry again in January if we pull it off.
I cried like a damn baby girl after the P44 Haynes play in '01.
And my eyes still get moist and I cannot talk for a few seconds after I hear Munson call the play to this day.
It was almost a religious experience for me.
I cried when Mikey proposed to his girlfriend on Senior Day. The eyelashes, my God, the eyelashes.
97 Florida game
I've been crying the whole time I've been reading all of these posts....group hug?
I lost it (along with a few others on here) in 1997 against UF. When Robert Edwards turned the corner on the Gator defense and took it to the house I had tears of joy streaming. I couldn't contain myself.
I've done pretty much the same as dawgwillbite. I get in such a tizzy I almost pass out. You know lack of oxygen to the brain when cheering on the Dawgs.
I'm an emotional person so if my wife starts crying at the game I'll shed a tear or two with her.
About the only time I've really cried on my own was when UGA honored the fallen of 911 and also honoring our men and women in uniform
Yes 2002 MJ catch, cried like a baby
A very good friend gave me MJ jersey from that game my 7 month old will enjoy for years to come
Look...last year's game against Florida...I was an emotional wreck for most of the game. My girlfriend was afraid to come near me. She had never seen this side of me. I hated the gators with a fire she hadn't been privy to. Every time we scored, I celebrated like I had won the lottery. When something bad happened, it was like a death in the family. So when Dannele Ellerbe fell on that bad snap with just a couple of minutes left...frankly...I don't remember if I teared up or not. But, damn, I went bat crazy. I blew up every buddy's cell phone that was sane enough to answer. Yes, I'm sure there was a tear somewhere in there. Then again, I was watching with some other Dawg fan buddies...so it may have been the beer poured on my head that I mistook for tears.
Crying now.... As soon as I hear Larry say Glory, Glory during the Battle Hymn I get all verklempt.
I will cry like my 2 year old son if we are fortunate enough to be in Miami on January the 8th and putting the final nail in the coffin.
2006 - Colorado
2007 - Blackout
I am an old-timer, 1963, the big house, 30 seconds left, 3rd and 8 on the wolverskunks 30. Down 14-9. Play called from the bench, student body left, Riddlehuber, look for a TE open, if none, pitch to Bob Taylor. The snap, 10 guys go left, Preston sprints right. The wolverskunks bite and Preston sprints into the end zone. The 60's version of App. St. Post game, Preston says he ran the play called in the huddle. Yeah right. Second time when the students finally got back into UGA football after decades from Pres. Knapp forward trying to diminish football at Georgia when they stormed the field after the drought breaker against Phat Phil. We had football fans again. They have not left since. The other time was Appleby to Washington, "thinking about those Olympics in Montreal". The close fourth time was watching Reggie Ball throw the ball away on fourth down. Laughter can cause many tears.
Old timer again. Left out a detail. Happens, so shut up. In the replay of Riddlehuber going right, you can see on the sidelines, HCVD snapping his clipboard over his knee and sending it to the ground, ala the evil genius and his visor.
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