Over the weekend, the Georgia Sports Blog blew past 5 million page views for the site to date. In August, we served up 297,000 page views which topped our old one month record by 20,000 pages. In September, we've served up more than 350,000 page views. That's double the site traffic from the same period last year.
I especially appreciate Quinton McDawg, Dawgnoxious, Jim Hipple and all of you who keep reading the site. I keep posting these milestone posts because you keep coming back. And of course DAWGBONE.NET!!!
I've looked around to get a sense for how big the site has grown versus our peers, and I'm pretty sure that we're now one of the Top 5 independent, single team college football blogs on the Web in terms of page views per month.
I know MGoBlog is bigger, but we stack up favorably to most of the rest. Not that it's a competition, but it's nice to have your stuff read by others. Thanks again for visiting.
Paul Westerdawg