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October 8, 2009

SEC swaps one funny smell for another

MSU vs. Texas A&M in the 2000 Independence Bowl

The SEC and the Independence Bowl are parting ways after a 15 year relationship that had its good moments (the 2000 Snow Bowl), bad moments (last year's inability to put an SEC team in the game) and ugly moments (the Shreveport Odor Complaint Form).

The league is replacing the Independence Bowl with a new Gator Bowl relationship starting with the 2010 season. The Independence Bowl, which was once called the Granddaddy of Bad Bowls by Spencer Hall, will replace the SEC and Big 12 tie-ins with ACC and MWC teams.

The Gator is dumping their ACC tie-in as well as their hybrid Big East/Notre Dame/Big 12 rotation in favor of a Big 10 team. The new SEC bowl pecking order isn't finalized, but it sounds like the Gator will definitely move in front of the Music City and Liberty in a deal that puts it close to the Chick-Fil-A Bowl.

Basically, the SEC swaps whatever Shreveport smelled like (see form above) with that gross sour coffee smell that permeates Jacksonville Municial Stadium's parking lots.

This off season has seen incredible movement in bowl tie-ins with the biggest moves surrounding the Gator Bowl and the the Alamo Bowl overtaking the Holiday Bowl. The biggest winners of all these shifts are the SEC, Gator and Alamo Bowls. The biggest losers are the Big East, ACC and Holiday Bowls.



Hunkering Hank said...

Where the hell is EVIL RICHT when you need him!?!

PTC DAWG said...

Wow, just what the SEC/Big 10 need, another bowl matchup.....ho hum..

JaxDawg said...

I think Jacksonville is a huge upgrade from Schreveport. I've never been a big fan of the parking lots around Jacksonville Municipal Stadium, but I can tell you that I've mostly been privileged enough to tailgate in areas much better than where you, PWD, have tailgated.

No smells, no asphalt jungle, .25 mile from the stadium.

But then, I live in Jax and know the in's and out's of getting around here.

Trust me, the Gator Bowl is a big, big upgrade from swamp ass country.

Sam said...

This is great. I hope Tech ends up in Shreveport. My brother (a Tech fan) always brings up the Poulan Weedeater Independence Bowl since UGA went there a lifetime ago.

How is Independence really connected to Shreveport anyways?
Jax >>>>> Shreveport

Anonymous said...

So, are there casinos in Jacksonville to make up for being in a piss-poor bowl game? No?

And it's going to be SEC v Big 10 in Capital One, Outback, Gator Bowls? Basically, if you are in the SEC east and don't go BCS'n, you get an ACC team or a Big 10 team. Not sure how that's a "win?"

It's too bad we're not a BCS bowl team year in and year out... because we get absolutely no consideration for the Cotton Bowl which is the only decent trip that doesn't involve the Big10/ACC match-up. Unless there are other changes in store for Tampa and Orlando? Maybe we're moving out of Orlando?

ruteger said...

While the Gator is an upgrade, can I just say: Meh, Lame, Yuck.

So our New Years Day football watching schedule will be to wake up and watch the SEC take on the Big 10 at 11:00 AM, and then wait until 1:00 PM for the two much anticipated SEC vs. Big 10 and SEC vs. Big 10 games start. And college football's postseason continues to be a snoozefest of uncompelling match-ups.

Anonymous said...

If I had my way, the Outback would swap the Big 10 for the Big 12. That would be a lot of fun. And provide much needed variety.

I mean how many times can the middle of the SEC play Iowa, Wisconsin and Purdue before everyone gets bored?


JJBA said...

I love the move for the SEC. A New Year's Day bowl in Florida is never a terible thing, Shreveport was. However, the Big-10 being involved really dampers the move. How we can be tied in with the Big-10 in 3 games on the same day and not 1 with the Big-12 or Pac-10 amazes me.

Anonymous said...

how many times can the middle of the SEC play Iowa, Wisconsin and Purdue before everyone gets bored?

We're already there.

JohnnyDawg said...

"I mean how many times can the middle of the SEC play Iowa, Wisconsin and Purdue before everyone gets bored?"

Thank you PWD. I couldn't agree more. I'm already bored with it. The Big(Little)-10 is a snoozefest.

Anonymous said...


Muckbeast said...

I like everything about this except the Big 10 matchup.

I'd prefer Big 12 or Big East for some variety.

Anonymous said...


mitch said...

Hopefully we dont play in jax in January. Its just too hot and humid down there.

Anonymous said...

So PWD hates jax.. But is completely against moving ga/fla from there? Makes sense..

Anonymous said...

I stay in Amelia and party near the stadium. Jax as a community does nothing for me.

But I don't want the game to leave there for strategic reasons. Leaving wouldn't fix anything.

If I thought it would help us beat the Gators consistently, I'd chop off my pinky toe. Leaving Jax would be a no brainer.

But it would cure nothing.

Anonymous said...

This may mean the death of the Poulan Weedeater Independence Bowl.

Good luck getting any fans from the mountain states there. And good luck getting ACC fans to go to a game against a MWC opponent.

Ball-U-Dawg Triangle said...

Thomas Davis on playing Ga-Fla in Jax:

My personal opinion, I look back at this game, and I definitely feel like it's not a neutral game. I feel like it's a game that's in Florida, and we're playing Florida. So regardless of what you say, you split the stadium down the middle, I still feel like at some point Florida has an advantage because the game is in Florida.

Anonymous said...

As a Big Ten "fan" I agree with the others. Meh.

The Big 10 is .500 (20-20) vs the SEC the past decade in the Capital One and Outback bowls. I'd much rather see the Big 10 play a Pac team.

Anonymous said...

That's 10-10 vs the SEC...sorry.

Erk Russell said...

I lived in Jax for 4 years. That pungent smell also includes the paper mills. ugh. Although I love the town.

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