Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

July 1, 2013

I can't help but think...

That this is going to be a sound bite excuse at some point this season.

One thing that has worried me about going to all digital playbooks is the possibility that a player would use the wrong play book in preparation for a game. That is harder to do when you are given a paper copy, as you presumably would take the old game plan out, providing a tangible change in preparation. I get that college students are much hipper to technology and whatnot, but I just can shake the feeling that at some point we'll see Murray give his grimaced look as a receiver zigs when he should have zagged.

Or worse when a wheel route goes horribly uncovered for seven against us.



Anonymous said...

less likely to happen, XOS breaks things down really good and gives the coaches the ability to have specific folders to use for specific games to make things clearer. We havent had any issues at my school with it and it has gone over very well

Tony Waller said...

I would figure. Actually, the best scenario is that you could disable the folders unless a game specific pass word were entered.

Appreciate the insight.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, there are multiple things they do, mainly because many of the top programs use this same program and spend millions of dollars to use it and dont want other schools breaking into their programs to view there files

Tony Waller said...

Does the eplaybook incorporate video into the programming?

Anonymous said...

yeah, they try to tailor it to each schools diversity. when a team decides to purchase XOs, they send out people to meet with the coaches and go through all of the aspects of the program. Within these programs, coaches/players can break it down to see only clips where teams were in a certain formation on the right hash that gained less than 3 yards on pass plays and etc....

Tony Waller said...

Wow. Very cool.

Dog44 said...

Intesting issue you propose. I would be a bit more concerned about this research...

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