Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

October 27, 2007


(Image: AP)
I can't do much better than this picture. Congrats, Coach. You earned it today. More tomorrow.



C. Paul said...

Yep. What a game!! We took it to the Gayturds all game long.

And despite my personal feelings on the excessive celebration (I honestly thought that it was a little much) - it was exactly what we needed to break out of our shell.

And you know what, it isn't the worst thing in the world for the rest of the world to hate your coach....

Go Dawgs!!

Anonymous said...

I kno one coach that getting some booty tonight.

Unknown said...

What a game is right..they never come easy but at least it came finally!

I was bit surprised at the celebration myself but it did work..

They play with more emotion than i have seen in years...

Great to be a bulldog today..and any day for that matter.

Anonymous said...

Tebow is not superman. Knowshon is! nuff said

Anonymous said...

CMR wanted the celebration after the first TD. He said he was going to be mad with the team if they didn't go out as a team and celebrate the TD. Not sure how I fell about that right now, but I love the final score. It's a good day to be a dawg.

Anonymous said...

It is so out of character for CMR to endorse such behavior that I don't think he'll do it again. As I was watching it I thought, "what are they doing?" but I understand the purpose now. For the past 7 years we and all the pundits have been saying that CMR gets to conservative during the UF game. I think he was making a statement that that's not how it's going to be this year. The players put it all on the line this year. They played with a fire a haven't seen since probably UT in 2001, a team we shouldn't beat, but we do.
and, I almost forgot, for being such a superman, Tebow is quite a crybaby.

Smitty said...

I had a funny feeling we would win this game. I flew to Maui last week and if that is what I have to do for us to beat Florida by GOD that is what I will do every year!

Anonymous said...

"I think it was real disrespectful," linebacker Brandon Spikes said. "It got the crowd into it and we were kind of shocked to see the whole team rush on the field. I just feel like it was a big disrespect. No class."

Yeah, that was kind of the idea, Brandon. Georgia went out there and showed that they didn't respect a single thing about the Gators despite their recent BCS title and owning of the series in the past couple of decades in Jacksonville. And Florida went out there and showed Georgia they had no reason to.

I don't think it's very out of character for Richt to do something unconventional when it helps gain a W.

Paige said...



Anonymous said...

I thought the celebration penalty was great. I think Richt wanted to send a message to our players to just go out and have fun and enjoy the game. I think we have just played too tight in this series lately and have played not to lose. I just think Richt wanted to loosen up everybody and it worked.

Anonymous said...

Aww that pic is cool and sweet.


Anonymous said...

Best win I've seen the Dawgs pick up in a LONG time!

Anonymous said...

Hey, looks like CMR's got hisself one of them attractive trannies.

Seriously, though, congrats. And that "Gayturds" thing? Fun-nee!

Astronaut Mike Dexter said...

I, for one, don't give a rat's ass about what Florida fans think about our coach.

This is a group of people who have canonized Steve Spurrier, who famously dumped 50 points on Georgia at Sanford just because he could, and now they want to pull out their fainting couches and decry how tacky and unsportsmanlike it was for Richt to green-light a big celebration for one touchdown? Un-bunch your lacy thongs out of your asses and grow a pair. This isn't a cottillion, it's the SEC.

If they felt that "disrespected" by the end-zone celebration, they shoulda done something about it.

Anonymous said...

So pumped about this victory. I really want to see the Tebow interview, I hear he is about to cry.


Go DaWGs!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

After the first Georgia TD, Even Les Miles at home was saying, "WTF?".

Elan said...

CMR said during his tc show that the celebration wasn't a sign of disrespect to the Gators. It was just a sign for the UGA team and fans that this was going to be an emotional game.

Oh and speaking of class, I think I noticed Teabow and some Gator players didn't stay on the field after the game to shake the other teams hand?

Clark Kent wouldn't do that.

Anonymous said...

You wanna talk no class, Brandon Spikes? How about hitting a quarterback when he's already kneeling? At least our "classless" act didn't hurt anybody, just that fragile Gator ego.

Anonymous said...

I think this win is the equivalent of Georgia over Tennessee on the "Hobnail Boot" play - this should launch Georgia bigtime for seasons to come. Richt is cool enough to maintain the level of his ship even after he got cRa-Zy a little bit, so the team can handle success. And by the way, God bless Richt for, metaphorically speaking, ripping his shirt off a-la Ed Orgeron and challenging Urban Myer to a fight - right now M'FER!.

There is no more confident bunch in the country right now. And another thing, this ain't the last time this group whips Florida's ass. You could see it in our eyes...and theirs. GO DAWGS!

Anonymous said...

For all you brother dawgs who whine and pine for the good old days- Dooley and Erk's Dawgs- Dig this fact: Georgia set a school record by becoming bowl eligible for an 11th straight season. Never done before?

CMR - Help yourself to the watergirl.

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